Roll Call “Chicago” (Part 2)

That’s awesome. I was there a couple weeks ago and the clubhouse is in rough shape. Hopefully they find some budget to trim a couple trees down as well.


Two spots open at 9:30 on Saturday for Robert Black (Bobby B). Already booked. Let me know if you want to join before tomorrow morning when I have to release two out into the wild.

I’d play Mt Prospect in the snow :gift:

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Which one of you guis was doing hoodrat stuff at Carriage Greens Friday??


That’s a huge check!


One more event this year if anyone is interested!! And I mean event in the lightest terms


This seems like a hell of a deal out at Calumet for next year.


It’s alright, but I typically get rates equal or lower than that on golfnow anyways and I don’t have to commit to playing Calumet 10x.


If I lived within 45 minutes of Calumet I would totally do this deal.

I did this a few years back and played 22 rounds on the pass


I might have to do it; it works out to $32 bucks a round plus it doesn’t look like you personally have to play Calumet 12x but can use the rounds for your 4-some or whatever.


I’ve been tasked with putting together a golf-themed silent auction basket for the (Park Ridge) Maine South Parents Scholarship Club. They award $1000 scholarships to graduating seniors; many of the awards have themes based on what the students are planning to study after high school.

I have a few items I’m going to add, we’ll probably get a Top Golf or PGATSS gift card, etc. but looking for ideas. Perhaps there are some C-Suite club members out there who would be willing to donate a round? Does MPGC have gift cards?

Fundraiser auction is on 12/7/23. They are a 501(3)(c). Lemme know, and thanks!


You can put me down to host a round at Olympia Fields North with caddy and lunch.


Amazing. But see now I’m going to have to get cutthroat with the bidding.

Thank you so much!


MP does have gift cards. If you want I can reach out to the GM and ask if they’ll donate.


Thank you!

Edit: should’ve included the site in the initial post.


One Bad Birdie custom shirt collection over here as well (4 polos, 2 quarterzips, 1 hat)


Hell yeah.

I will reach out to everyone later this week via email with more details. Gotta get through a work launch tomorrow night.

Really appreciate all the generosity and assistance. I think we’re going to do two auction lots.

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Our friends in Minnesota are planning a massive event out at Landmand next June. See details below and reach out to @bignanski with any questions!

We interrupt this polling for an important announcement

It is merely November, yet we find certain things moving quickly toward 2024. Yes, it’s already time to talk about Landmand.

Here’s the situation (s/o @GRWhitehead for getting everything in motion for us):

FORMAT: TBD (possibly some inter-Roost comp?)
DATES: Sunday, June 2nd and Monday, June 3rd (18 holes each day)
LODGING: On-site cottages (Sleeps 16 total, Guy has 4 of these and @kcurry11 and myself will be claiming two as organizers, which leaves 10 more cottage spots up for grabs)
COST: Golf $150/round, Cottage $150/person = $450 total for 2 rounds of golf + cottage or $300 total for golf only

“But Nanski, only 10 spots left? What the fuck, man?”

Never fear, we can have way more than that for golf - 32, 50 even - but only 16 can stay on-property. There is plenty of lodging in and around Sioux City.

So here’s how we’re going to do it: Sign up with the spreadsheet below and in a couple weeks’ time, we’ll draw names for the final 10 cottage spots. In the interest of fairness to those smarter than me aka not chronically online, it will not be first come, first served.


  • We will be collecting the full cost of golf from every participant before the new year, so please only sign up if you can make both the dates and cost work
  • If you are drawn for a cottage spot but would prefer to stay off-property, it is your responsibility to find your replacement
  • Similarly, we know things will come up between now and June. If you’re in and paid but have to back out, find someone to take your spot and have them reimburse you. The only way we can secure these spots before the tee times go live to the public is if we pay the course in advance
  • Some of this information will change as we go, but for now we need signups and a general idea of numbers

Without further ado…

Landmand 2024 (6/2-6/3)

Sheet1 Refuge Handle,Coming From,Carpool? GRWhitehead,MSP,N GRW Guest 1,MSP,N GRW Guest 2,MSP,N GRW Guest 3,MSP,N bignanski,MSP,N kcurry11,MSP


This is awesome. I love when I tell people one of the places I want to go play golf is Nebraska and they look at me like I’m crazy.