grabbed a 10:10 as well
2 spots open Sunday at 9:10, Glenview Park.
I don’t think there’s any actual updates on progress.
Just grabbed a 10:00 Sunday at MP
@rmbartell also grabbed a spot for 10
Well shit. Anyone else want to get out on Sunday?
I have space for one on Sunday at noon at Prairie Isle for anyone a little farther north.
Are they talking about many advocates or just Gary Player?
I’ll nab that spot, if you’ll have me
Book it on their website.
I think we only have 3 booked right now.
got it, see you there
I’m playing VL at 12:30 on Sunday. Looks like there’s one spot left.
I was about so say this sounds like Big Tree Dark Money that Gary Player funds.
anyone for Cary Country Club saturday morning?
Does anyone have the inside scoop on Diversey Driving Range? Website still says re-open late March, which would be todayish.
The Jane Byrne interchange west of downtown was to complete 2018. I for one am shocked a project is running long.
That interchange is 1000% my least favorite thing in this city.