Roll Call “Chicago” (Part 1)


threw up a new thread for the elks spring event here

if interested, link is in that thread now.


Recent lurker, first time poster, and after listening to the Refuge changes coming, newly-minted Nest member.

A little about me; I’m relatively new to golf. I played for a hot second when I was younger, but it never took. Three years ago a neighbor asked me if I played golf. “Um… not really?” Played 9 and there was no looking back.

Bought used clubs. Was terrible. Took lessons last year. Less terrible. Got fit and bought clubs. Have played 900+ holes in 2020 after a friend half-jokingly wondered if I could get to 800. (What else is there to do? Can I get to 1000?) Still bad, but less so. Broke 100 for first time in May. Broke 90 a couple weeks ago.

A few things I’ve really enjoyed about this year in particular: Getting a few friends into golf and watching them work it out. Meeting new people I get matched up with at those last minute tee times. And just yesterday, witnessing my son jar a 60+ yard pitch for birdie.

Looking forward to NLU and The Refuge providing some much-needed distractions through the cold winter months!


I’ll probably be available to play Saturday at MP.

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What is your take on taking a nip of Fireball after making a birdie?

Asking for some friends…


Who takes the nip? The birdie maker or those that didn’t birdie?

In 2010 I lived in Vegas for a project. Knew no one so I spent most of the weekends playing solo golf. I once got paired with three college players who asked if I wanted to play in their game. Without asking what was the game I said yes (they were probably all scratch while I was probably a 13). The game was if someone made birdie on the hole, everyone who DIDN’T make birdie had to drink a airplane-sized bottle of Fireball. Needless to say it was the drunkest I’ve ever been on a golf course and had to call a cab home (this was before Uber so I had to call and then wait 35 mins).

So sure, fireball and have fun with it


I’ve got a foursome booked for Saturday-12:20 PM at Mt. Prospect. Two spots open with (likely) @Pinehurts and I. $30 walking rate, looks to be in the low 40’s

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I’ll bite


Thoughts on this? The fact that Foxford hills is included has me interested, but I usually don’t like being locked into course vouchers cause i have tended to not used them.

Pass is currently priced at $150, and based off the provided rates (weekend) just using the comp rounds at Oak Grove and Foxford would basically cover that amount.

Hey everyone -

Just wanted to let you all know we have created a specific RACDG chapter that encompasses the greater Chicago area (loose term, includes Milwaukee/Quad Cities/Central Illinois). Previously we were part of the Midwest West, but this was quite spread out and caused difficulties in getting things moving in the right direction.

Given we have seen the meet ups grow quite exponentially towards the end of this golf season, it is a good time to start looking ahead to next year. If you are unfamiliar with the RACDG, please read the first post of the attached thread to learn a bit more. In short, its just a way for us to stay more connected, plan events, and put together some weekend games.

I encourage you to add your name to the roll call list (US Chicagoland at the bottom of the sheet). If you previously added your name to US Midwest West I have already moved you into Chicagoland. I also encourage you to join our newly established WhatsApp chat which should help us build this community.



I did one it a couple years ago when I got started. Oak Grove was still in really good condition, so I thought it was worth it.

Of the other courses I’ve played, GolfVisions tends to ruin them.

Chapel Hill has stunk for awhile. HeatherRidge is an easy pass. Bittersweet is fun, but slow rounds. Midlane has gone downhill since going public.

Foxford is the gem still, I hesitate giving GolfVisions any money though.

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Sooooo it’s like a Ryder Cup team thing? And are you the captain?

What’s the name of the cup?

I would like to be on Team TCRBrad since I already annoy him as it is.

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Right, I said what I said. :rofl:

Not a team event. Continuing the work that the RACDG has done to create a golf community by starting a Chicago chapter.

Now, I fully expect team events to come out of this, whether it is inside our chapter or against other chapters.


Bought some Hot Hands and they will be here just in time for Saturday.

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I was looking at those as well. Might throw some on the Christmas list.

Hello Chicago NLU’ers. I am trying to set up a meetup in Attica Indiana at a course called Harrison Hills. It would be a 2 hour drive from Chicago and was seeing if there was any interest. Looking at about $70 for golf, food and a donation to some cause (ideas welcome). Would be a great time! Going for a Saturday in Mid June.

Mid June Event Attica IN
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

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