Roll Call: Central California

Pasa is the answer! If you want to come on down to Carmel and play let me know (probably 1:40 drive from Half Moon Bay). I can get us a dukes club rate at Spyglass or Spanish Bay (don’t think it’s closed then for remodel). Poppy Hills is a very good winter course as well.

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I’m sensing a trend here and thank you all for the tips. I looked at the Pasa rates online and I was on the fence about it…until 4 out of 4 recommends. I need to go back and watch that Tourist Sauce episode again.

Thanks for the offer and will take it into consideration and DM you if headed down that way. I’m sure we will make a separate trip to Carmel again at some point just not sure how soon. Spyglass was on my list the next time and Pebble is on my distant radar but I figure that will end up being it’s own trip where we stay on site


If you need 5/5, I’m here to back pasa up!

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I’ll be the 6th to say Pasa. Even if it’s still back nine only, it’s worth it (and the rates are cheaper as a result). It’s actually quite fun to play to two different hole locations on the same greens. And you can come back the following year and do the same on the remodeled front nine!

If you want an alternative to Pasa, the closest convenient public that is worth playing is Baylands in Palo Alto.

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Did you ever get down to Dinuba to play Ridge Creek? It’s a great track!

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Not yet!

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It’s always in great shape, even in the winter, and if you catch it on the right day pretty awesome views of the sierra nevada’s. Not much else to do in the area though…

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