going sunday & might go saturday, braves are in town that weekend too so might hit up one of those games as well
jfc 2025 we get a US Am, Walker Cup & President’s Cup all within like a 2 hour drive of each other
missed the president’s cup!
Guise, I spoke with someone at Northwood today. They won’t rent the course out completely for a day during the summer months. We would have to just block off a bunch of tee times for a day, or if it was to be a tournament they would facilitate a shotgun start (Lotta mathematics involved) I was thinking sometime in June or July, but curious to hear from you all. I told him I would be back in touch with some tentative dates.
Hmm interesting. Prob blocking tee times is viable. I’ll throw a few dates out just to get it started.
Sat June 27
Sat July 11
I’d be game for 6/20, 6/27 or 7/18
6/13, 14, 20, 27, 28, and 7/11, 12 all work for me
7/11 looks good to me
Same here
any weekend after 1030 am just need 35mins for the drive out there.
Ok sorry guise made a last minute trip up to Bandon today so I sort of dropped the ball. I am flexible on dates. When I’m back maybe I will just get some dates from the course that work that they don’t have tournaments on or anything and take it from there.
I hate you
Weekend you guise put some dates out there, and I hope I can do it. I have been overextending a bit.
Down to go but more likely able if just told what day it is to work it into the schedule.
Planning to go to Pasatiempo on 3/21 for a morning round if anybody wants to join. Try to tee off 9:30-10:30 range
For those interested. I grew up at Del Rio…has hosted Canadian tour events and multiple USGA qualifiers.
Has anyone taken you up on this?
Low Key, Ocean course at Olympic is more fun than Lakeside.
I’ve played there once and had the same experience. If you don’t know where you are going, its not fun. There are maybe a handful of good holes on the property, but there SO many holes that demand an absolutely precise teeshot and approach that even when playing well a good shot might not be rewarded. The only way I could see an any one at a 6 handicap or worse playing really well there (especially their first time) would be to protect off every tee and conservatively or immaculately high and soft in your approaches. There is very little inbetween there.