Phil’s Clubs

But that’s precisely what you have to do here.

Eliminate the white noise. If it doesn’t have three slices of bread, it’s not a club sandwich.

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Is a hot dog a club sandwich?


You’re right. Only qualifying rule is that the course advertises it on the menu as a “club”.

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Tomato is the worst part of a club sandwich.


A hot dog is a taco


Clearly this guy doesn’t know that carbs are the point.


We are NOT narrowing the field (as of yet). Let’s clarify this exercise. IF your course or a course that play and we encourage to enjoy a club after a round. Has a sandwich which they have labeled a club sandwich. (Not bengals croissant etc.) We want to know how you rank it. @Phillip360 and I are happy to hear about the clubs of the clubs are our awesome community and would like to compile a list of must tries.


I would go with fancy BLT but 100% it’s not a club without 3 slices of bread.


I’d like to offer that toothpicks(frilly, in particular) have a role in the club sandwich rubric.


We like that

Alabama also thinks it’s ok to have relations with a relative, so…


Agreed with @Slim, frilly toothpicks are a must.


oh my God @justmuckit from WAY DOWNTOWN… BANG

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White bread, deli meats only, bacon, and mayonnaise should be the only condiment. And if a club sandwich isn’t cut into triangles it’s an automatic deduction in my book.


Just leaving this here.


Very much looking forward to seeing pictures of clubs around the country. (Alabama included) @Phillip360 and I are very pro frilly toothpicks.

I’m pro wheat and Phil is not. So this is what we’re here for people.

No one can possibly say that a proper club sandwich should be made with wheat bread.

Industry best practices suggests a lightly (tan, but definitely not brown) toasted all-American, right down Main Street, literally made of air, white bread.

Variants on Mayo, i.e garlic aioli and other Mayo based pink sauces are advisable and permitted.


Dude, I guess the PNW is just too chill for the rest of the country. Everything is fake, including rules on club sandwiches, if my club wants to call an open faced with chicken, canadian bacon, LTO, and mayo their “club” it’s still a club, it’s just a really bad one. There are a few absolute bomb clubs I can think of right off the bat that I’ll try to get pictures of next time I order them.

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I’m here for this take. If the course has “Club” on the menu and you don’t like if. Judge accordingly.

There was an absolute awful course out here called Lipoma Firs. The only course I was not sad to see go, but they had a amazing club. Which brings in question do we judge on the course to sandwich ratio?

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Course club sandwich rating plus course slope? Getting this algo right is the key, I think.