PGA 2K23 Refuge Tour - Info Post #9562 - S24 Begins 11/25

I completely missed the line through the trees to cut the corner on 4. One that I was glad I noticed was cutting the corner on 9 with a high draw through a gap in the trees. I did not realize there was a theoretical option to go at the green on 9 but not sure it would’ve been reachable anyways

SEASON 22 - WEEK 3 UPDATE - The Mega Line Challenge Pt II

Now that this wild fantasy course is behind us, we can move on to more “normal” golf the rest of the season. I think it’s fun to mix it up though so we try to schedule a couple fantasy courses per season. The designer, evenprime, has a few others in the game that are just as wild.

Individual flight winners:

  • Young Hitters: @BlakeG apparently has something I don’t with a -39 total score (it’s talent).
  • C-Suite: @PullFade appears to have kept it steady to finish as 1 of two players under par in C-Suite
  • Strapped: @Tibbs is the Jeff-stopper
  • LPCP: @mlakota goes back to back. It was a tough scene in LPCP but he was the only player to keep it single digits over par. 3 podium finishes and 2 wins is a strong start to the season!

No new qualifiers this week.

Shhedule for the week

We’re off to digital Japan and Lake Osaka (West). Something for a bit of change of scenery and to showcase the Japanese themed assets in the game that we haven’t really seen much of on the Refuge Tour. Maybe not the best prep for the USGA Tournament of Fairness, but should be fun anyway!

Thanks as always for playing here on the Refuge Tour



Well this sucks.

Posted a decent R1 only to get completely fucked by the game on the first hole of R2. Somehow ended up on the rocks left of the green, down near the water, game wouldn’t let me take an unplayable.

Fun week.

Honestly I think replaying the round on your own is fine in this instance. The game is notoriously bad at taking relief from hazards.

@Jeff_M whats going on the spreadsheet? I thought I won week 2 based on your post but the spreadsheet only has me for 300 points

Yeah. I definitely didn’t win last week. My controller also found the yips in the 3rd round this week.

Thanks for letting me know. Trying to get to the bottom of it, I just noticed @PullFade on the list twice, hence why the formula was adding all those points. So I think someone may have posted scores and accidentally used @PullFade. If that someone is here and can prove they shot -8, -4, -4 for the event, let me know. For now I will adjust so that @Golfpro731 is the winning score and the points will adjust accordingly. So congrats to @Golfpro731 on the win last week, sorry I did not catch the double name in the list!

Not last week. Two weeks ago. I was tagged as winning C Suite at least

You probably were in the lead when @Jeff_M wrote the post, but @Davifuego probably posted his scores after that. That’s my guess.

That may be what happened, the spreadsheet shows @Davifuego P1, @Golfpro731 P2. So the points should be accurate. There was an issue with week 3 as well which was what I saw above

Went ahead and finished it out in the society - finally got an opportunity to drop and made a 10 lol.

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SEASON 22 - WEEK 4 UPDATE - The Torii Gate Championship

Hopefully everyone enjoyed a bit of the Japanese theme in the return to “realistic” golf courses for the next couple weeks.

Individual flight winners:

  • Young Hitters: @kmart796 is the Blake-stopper, fending off 4 others in T2!
  • C-Suite: @Davifuego lit it up and blitzes the field in C-Suite
  • Strapped: @Tibbs goes back to back, winning in the scorecard playoff over @BMarsh
  • LPCP: @justmuckit is one of two players under par to take the W

No new qualifiers this week.

Shhedule for the week

It’s now time for the USGA Tournament of Fairness. Expect ejections around the greens, sadly the game doesn’t allow for conditions to be “baked out AF”, but expect it to be firm. Another reality of the game is that the native areas are marked as “heavy rough” in game, so just note that as you play through the rounds it won’t be 100% the right experience, but hopefully will still be enjoyable to play along with the US Open.

Thanks as always for playing here on the Refuge Tour



Jesus Christ I thought if I hadn’t missed 500 eagle/birdie putts round 1 I thought I would have won. Guy ran away with it!

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yup got my round in just before the event expired

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SEASON 22 - WEEK 5 UPDATE - The USGA Tournament of Fairness

Honestly I don’t know what all the fuss was about this course, we had plenty of players double digits under par each round.

Individual flight winners:

  • Young Hitters: @BlakeG, like it’s some kind of surprise.
  • C-Suite: @theLeemur uses a stellar round 2 to propel himself ahead of the rest
  • Strapped: @Tibbs gets the hat trick, and will earn the rightful promotion to C-Suite. He would have won at least 1 event in C-Suite this season anyway, so look for more to come!
  • LPCP: @justmuckit again is one of two players under par and takes his second W of the season.

No new qualifiers this week. @woodfinx I did see you had started to post scores, let me know if you’d like to qualify in a future event!

Shhedule for the week

Tourist Sauce Aus II: Electric Boogaloo. The good thing about virtual golf is there is no jetlag, we’re making our way to Australia and Peninsula Kingswood to take a look at one of the courses from the latest Tourist Sauce season. Episode 4 on YouTube if you are inclined to play along and see how some of the holes look in real life. Sadly I don’t think 2K thought far enough ahead to put cricket grounds in the game.

Thanks as always for playing here on the Refuge Tour



Thank for all you do online. Seriously impressive.


Yeah sorry. Life got in the way. I’ll try to qualify this week.

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Just a heads up, PC society is showing nothing on the schedule to play

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Thanks for the heads up! Logging on now to get it set up

Never mind you can reverse it, I didn’t play well