PGA 2K23 Refuge Tour - Info Post #9562 - S24 Begins 11/25

I was kind of vibing my face off but finally got got for a quad on 14 in the final round. Even with that feel like I threw a pretty good number up on the board. This place with any real wind is no joke

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As someone who suffers from permanent Fast Swing-itis, word cannot explain how much I loathe this course.


I have even had crowd noise muted since the game came out, I canā€™t stand the repeating .wav files that they use.


ok, got all my megaline craving out on the first round and posted 14 over par. 2nd round is gonna be super cerealā€¦probably.

+4 2nd round. still got rejected on a few non-mega line attempt.

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I might have to play some extra rounds on this course on my own time and screw around with some of the lines I wasnā€™t willing to take. Definitely went for most of it but there are some where I figured it wasnā€™t worth it unless you could just about guarantee a perfect swing.

Has anyone gotten boned by the roof on the first hole in the cavern? I hit it in a practice round so I knew I had to take avoiding action with a lower one. It seemed borderline.

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In my test rounds I did not hit the roof, but it seemed close. The camera angles made it so I could not tell how close it actually got, but your experience tells me it might have been borderline.

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Only through R1, but Iā€™m not seeing nearly as many shortcuts than I typically see on these types of courses.

The one on 14 was sick though - threaded the needle and missed the eagle putt.


There were a few that I really had to look for. Canā€™t reveal all the tricks though! I really enjoyed bending it through the arch on 2 over to that right fairway.

And thereā€™s that par 4 early in the round that plays like 550 or something with the crazy rocks jutting out over the green. Donā€™t have any tricks for that one but if anyone figures out how the hell to play it let me know

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Is 3 click turned off like TGC Tours? Seems to be some lines you can hit if you get perfect 110% and straight

It should be restricted to swing stick only. Three click would have to be a whole separate thing to make it fair I think. I wasnā€™t even aware 110% power was achievable, I guess digital Jeff needs to hit the gym.

I think it technically is with swing stick using the right club fittings but itā€™s a tiny window of opportunity to flick forward

That shit was hard. Loved it but I suck.

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@Jeff_M fyi when you do scores, this was not a typo.

Iā€™ll be taking no questions and would appreciate the media giving my family and me time to grieve during this difficult period.


Once the event is over would love to see the ultimate mega lines on each hole. Canā€™t help but think I missed a few

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I donā€™t think there is a shortcut on every hole, Iā€™d have to go do a flyover of everything to take another look though.

Can can provide the mega lines that lead to a +26 :rofl:


Pretty sure I tried to invent some mega lines. Stubbornness and greed ruined a great start to my first round

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Iā€™ll get anyone the lines for a +90

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Man, I checked the scores and saw I had a 4-shot lead going into the final round in LPCP. Felt great after the first two rounds.

Currently proceeding to choke after a 10 and a stroke limit. Iā€™m not ready for the big leagues

Edit: I am 3/3 for hitting the gap on 14

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There are a few lines that require luck+massive tailwind or luck+Playing with John Cena, I think. Like yes, technically you could make that shot but youā€™d need all the help you can possibly get

I might play a round to with Jon Cena just for fun actually