I just remember being really, really high in high school and seeing the “Evil” music video for the first time and it traumatized me so much I think of it every time anyone mentions Interpol in any context.
I love that video, it’s pretty much the only reason I like Interpol
Thank you for translating to bald eagle for us. 110KPH is a lot of numbers and it confuses us.
I saw a majestic bald eagle on my drive home from work the other day. It was perched atop a dead tree. Really quite magnificent. My favoUrite thing about bald eagles is that they’re basically trash birds and will eat anything. I often think that if we didn’t have the relationship we did with seagulls (them shitting everywhere and trying to steal our delicious french fries), we’d think they’re beautiful birds. All of this is to say that birds are either 1) going to take over the world or 2) are not real and are just drones launched by the state to ensure we do not seize the means of production and start manufacturing guillotines en mass.
That little distraction aside, here’s a picture of the winds tonight at 10 PM EST. I wish it was golf season.
It’s 2 for sure.
@DombrowBryan & @OffTheDole have raved about this event, that’s all I need to hear! + frozen custard.
Spotted Cow, end of story.
Believe or not being a Roost Captain has been a lot of fun. Despite it’s challenges it’s been a great ride!
I notice that planning events isn’t on your list of most liked things
I’m told chasing people for payment and no shows are two of your favourite things.
Honestly, once people pay I don’t care in the least if they show up. I mean, I hope they do, but I’m not going to try to keep track of everybody. Hell, I can barely keep track of myself for that weekend.
I’m also still out of likes for a few hours. So stop saying good shit, people.
I know a guy who can help
Is it @bignanski??
I think between Golf, moon man’s, shot skis, and the greater Wisconsin Leg Wrestling Championships, Nanski’s plate is pretty full.
God dammit I’m so sick of being out of likes.
What can I say, Ope is my Super Bowl.
How dare you compare the Ope to the FedEx Cup Playoffs!!!
Maybe? Hopefully?
Am I allowed to have fun at the Cornstalk? Yes. Will I? For sure, at times.