It’s so, so good.
My roommate for my early career was a big Of Montreal fan, asked if I’d want to go from KC to Lawrence, KS one eve. I went to a ton of shows for years then over a decade until 'vid and kid, so he knew I was game.
@ChiFFI are you available to speak with me? I’m here with the Ope Times.
I have questions that need to be answered
Currently sitting in the too pricey Pottery Barn baby recliner monitoring a sick toddler that won’t let me leave, I’ll try to keep the screen clean for the media and happy to address some post game.
Edit: I know I am so screwed tomorrow/Wed.
We appreciate this. So so much.
1.) understanding it was a long time ago, how was the show? How was the sound?
2.) being in the parenting stage of life (I am also) what was the last show you attended?
And we wish your toddler a speedy recovery. A sick child is not a fun experience at all. Cheers
- Smaller venue and the opener, so focus wasn’t on them. Came in with zero knowledge (I usually listen to whatever I can for openers but had zero warning for this one, same day “sure I’ll hop in the car.”) I recall it being loud loud, a little rougher, but a raw energetic performance. I enjoyed more than Of Montreal (never been a big fan) but had to dance around given company/my ride home.
- Last show was October on the fence/1st row standing in front of Sturgill at Salt Shed with some of the 2CGC crew, captain got there before the venue opened and fought off some drunk aunts to save the space. Very pregnant wife included in the crew.
Thank you for sharing.
I literally listened through Oracular Spectacular twice while working today
We all need accountability and reflection, the media is society’s best tool.
Did you enjoy Little Dark Age? I should revisit tomorrow
I have to listen to that one all the way through still. Haven’t given it a proper listen.
Ive listened to Oracular and Congratulations The most
Brat-chos. Very good. Believe I had them 2 years ago.
Wow, never saw this before.
Good thing the Ope Weight Loss Challenge ends before the Ope
Challenge never ends if you don’t start it.
Braut coin?!? Crypto has gone too far
Omit beer cheese?!? Never.