The Home Course was pretty fun but the club sandwich there - and more specifically the onion rings that came with it - was elite
Woah woah woah, let’s talk clubhouse sandwiches. Was it some permutation of white toast, Mayo, turkey, cheddar, lettuce, white toast, ham, American, tomato, white toast? Quarter cut? Cc: @AndrewMoran
It’s all detailed here:
I should’ve known there was a club sandwich thread. Will dive in tomorrow
Seeing y’all in those hats last year was still one of my best memories of that trip.
“yea we just decided we’d create our own merch”
Are those hats an NFT? I’ll send you 2 ETH for one. Put it on my meta verse avatar
Took my name off the list. Need to stay in driving distance due to other commitments and spending money on commitments. Hopefully I can get up there sometime sooner rather than later.
Ooooh boy, I want in on this one! I have a friend whom is not on the Refuge (lame!), Would he be able to join as well?
Yes he can!
Awesome! I’ll mobilize the troops!
Is there still room in this event?
Also open to travelers? (don’t wanna steal a spot from a local/member of the PNW roost)
As an out of town interloper (we were legion) last year, I cannot encourage people to go to this event enough. I won’t be able to attend in 2022. If you can, go!
Booo Andrew
Yes and yes!
Thumbs down
I looked at the list of events in the newsletter yesterday and realized I’m going to 3 on the list already. And we are likely going to have an exchange student in our house this fall.
HOWEVAH… I do have 2 cousins in Seattle who recently got engaged (not to each other!) so I am sure a trip to the PNW is in my future.
Please let us know when you are coming, more rounds of chaos to ensure!
Come to the May event at Wine Valley. And hang out with your two cousins who are getting married.
Have become a massive NLU follower over last few years, but first time posting here and first time joining one of the local tournaments – psyched to see stuff going here locally in the PNW. Was able to loop in three other local buddies to join (two haven’t joined Refuge yet, but we’re working on them) and looking forward to Sept! Read through the thread to get a sense for current thinking, but had a few clarifying questions (preemptive apology for any ‘new guy’ ignorance).
@MrVinegar206 - Is there a page that provides any details for what to expect / planned format? I believe I read that this is an individual quota format, but is that combined across both rounds? Or how does that work? Also, any update on anticipated cost for Gold Mountain and a portal (similar to Chambers) where we should prepay in advance? Is there also any additional incremental costs associated with the tournament (i.e., entry fee, prize pool, side games)?
Also, fwiw, “much of this is still TBD and will be communicated in the coming months” is totally fine and happy to watch this space, but figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.