NLU Peloton Thread - New Years Resolutions

Glad I got it done before @Douger23 so I could feel good about my output.

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Hahaha, I’ll let you have all the Jess King rides, but I may have to do it once I’m back in town to see where I end up. Lol

Left a little out there output wise but that strive score though! Warmed up with a 20 minute Denis ride, made for a good combo.

Very new to all this (bought a used peloton last week) but I am in awe of the output, mileage and resistance averages I’m seeing on this thread. Got to get my numbers up!



Always remember, if people are putting up better numbers it isn’t because they’re better, it’s because they’re cheating and have a loose bike. Only explanation.


I will gladly ride any bike and go after it! Hahaha

Listen, nobody mentioned you by name. Was it you I was referring to? Maybe? Who can honestly say?

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“Loose bike?”

“I will have no further comment at this time”

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Glad my 45 minute output can challenge your 20 min + 5 min cool down output.


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Does anyone have a good link for how to check your bike calibration? I’ve had mine for about 6 months and am wanting to do a semi-annual tune up on it.

Hope people are enjoying this one, it was fun to hit for the second time. I understand not being into the JKE rides but I really do think she’s a top tier instructor.

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OK, new week new ride! Thanks @yungloudancolin for the pick this week. We’ve got Alex’s 30 Min Hip Hop Ride from 5/25/22. Should be a good one! @ChickPhilA please update the title when you can. Enjoy!


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Love it when an Alex ride gets picked for the weekly ride!


Great playlist on this one. Fun to run it back.


Haven’t done a Kendall ride in over a year and just got done with her live ride today… damn she pushes your ass but felt damn good! Also, sick playlist, would recommend.


A bit late on the update this morning but this week should be another good ride. Thanks for the nomination @Rossy2644! We’ve got Sam’s 80’s Rock Ride from 7/8/22. Sam’s 80’s rides are always good so definitely looking forward to this one! @ChickPhilA please update the title when you’ve got a minute.



Quite a bit of work and golf travel this month means I’ve been out of my routine a bit. Hoping for a clearer run to the end of the year (gulp!) and more time on the bike. This was a tough Sam ride but a good one.


This was a very fun one! Sam seems the nicest guy

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Before he went to Peloton, Sam used to teach classes at the gym my girlfriend goes to in London. She said everyone was really sad when he left as he was a great guy.