NLU Peloton Thread - New Years Resolutions

OK this is another @ChickPhilA nomination - Bradley’s 20 Min Metal Ride from 11/12/21.


Bradley + Metal is not my scene but was a good ride.

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@ChickPhilA I know you’ve been gallivanting across the world the last few weeks but did you see this?

It’s Bradley, so it can only be so good, but glad Hayley Williams getting the respect she deserves


i have been SOOOO bad about riding since getting over the damn vid in mid march - i may have to do this as the first ride back tomorrow (or friday - i think i walked enough these last 3 days in Bandon to earn two more “rest” days lol)


Membership price going up from $39 to $44 on June 1st, kinda surprised it took this long. Love the justification right out of the streaming service playbook “to be fair, we’ve added so much great content over the years”.

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Am I right in saying that Bradley isn’t a very popular instructor? That was the second ride of his that I’ve taken in a year.


I believe that is correct. My fiancée and I both have a pretty strict no Bradley policy.


I took what I think was his first class last year and I recall that he kept referring to Americans in the class as “yankee doodles”. Found that a bit odd.

He’s definitely not for me

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“You know I love you, right?”

Soooo creepy


I gave his classes a try a few times. But, I think he is in never-ride-with territory along with CDE for me.

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He sucks, but much like CDE the music is top notch. Less tears though…


Woof. Never mind my earlier post about “maybe COVID messed with my performance a bit,” it definitely has imo.

Just got back from a weeklong vacation to London and the weekdays I was gone were the only weekdays I haven’t done at least 1 bike ride since I got the bike in December. While the week off maybe didn’t help, I did a ton of walking each day of the trip, so it’s not like I was sedentary.

I decided to ease back in with a 20 minute AT ride this morning, though I did try to go pretty hard during it. When I was at my highest output, I was really struggling to breathe as well as I normally do and had a coughing fit at one point.

It’s incredibly scary. I hope it’ll just be like when I started on this Peloton journey and I’ll work my way out of these issues, but who even knows.

I’ve noticed his rides don’t have great numbers in terms of how often they’re taken.

I feel bad, because he seems like a really nice guy and his backstory is a nice one. But definitely not for me either. I believe the first or second week I had the bike I took one of his when I was just feeling out different instructors, and it was WAY too much. He was pretty much everything I try to avoid in an instructor - cheesy and overly motivational, way too talkative, just too much.


Sorry to hear that. It does sound like it impacts people very differently. I hope you are back to feeling better soon.

Appreciate it my friend. That’s the scary thing I guess - I am feeling totally fine except for that. It would be one thing if we knew that, say, you’ll have some trouble during intense cardio for a few weeks after, but I guess that’s just the thing…nobody knows.

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Yeah, I noticed that too - - - “you’re getting such value!”

Only riding a few times a month. But when I ride it’s almost always Emma.

  • music choices perfect for this 90s kid.
  • strikes the perfect chord of motivation without being preachy
  • she was cranking this ride; out of breath at times and clearly pushing herself.

Emma’s the best…my clear #1.


Back on the bike for the first time in a while. It seems that the “more music” really worked this time because I hardly heard Bradley. Or could be that I was just scream singing along to every song this ride :slight_smile:


Back from vacation here and realllllly need to get back in the swing of riding again. Motivation has been lacking and extended time away didn’t help! Thanks to @BDeck25 for nomination this week’s ride of Ally’s 30 Min 2000s Rock Ride from 4/19/22. @chickphila please update when you can and hope your trip to Bandon was great!
