Maxamania II @ Rackham GC (Detroit, MI) 2022, May 21

Im also down for Sunday

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Will this be the $66 or $160 rate?

66 as long as we have enough alumni. Have to have one in each group to get the guest rate.


I could potentially host, my wife is an alumni and last time I was there they said it could count, but not exactly sure how it would work in theory


I donā€™t think we are at a full one host to one group ratio at the moment, but seriously before I started using the Champions Pass, they never once asked me to prove I was alumni. If we need one or two ā€œextraā€ alumni to make the numbers work, it wonā€™t be a big deal.

Interested in Sunday. Havenā€™t done any planning, but have thought about elsewhere in MI Sunday night to play Monday as well. Grand Rapids, Stoatin Brae, etc. Iā€™m driving, though.

Yeah Iā€™m flying so if I play anywhere Sunday itā€™ll have to be morning.

hell yeah all the help we can get fella!

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iā€™m always down to ā€œhostā€ if need be


Regrettably I have too much going on in the surrounding weeks to make it work this year. Very, very bummed but Iā€™ve removed my name from the sheet.

Booo. Hissssss. I was looking forward to meeting you. Iā€™ll have to get over to MN this year for a round or two.

Dude, likewise.

I was really optimistic but Iā€™m out of town for work a lot during the week, I have a personal trip the last weekend in April, my wife and I have a trip the following week that she recently won through work, you got Motherā€™s day, a concert the weekend after Maxamaniaā€¦ I spend a lot of time away from my kids as it is and try not to feel guilty about it, but the timing just isnā€™t good. Might need to change careers and start some kinda golf business a la @alexshreff just so I donā€™t have to feel guilty about wanting to go play these events


ā€œItā€™s a business expenseā€

Boom, immediately justified.


Especially if you sell us one for 1/2 off to raffle off for the charity! Boom!


Are you doing an auction? Or a raffle? Send me a DM with the deets and Iā€™ll do what I can to help out!


My Man!

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Im in to help with some auction items.
the one and only GEAU GOLF!


i unfortunately have to pull my name out of the sign up due to the fact my clubs annual Ryder Cup with another club has been moved from its Oct spot to this particular weekend in May. NOT GREAT!

@JDGAFFLIN i am still working on getting my employer to sponsor some portion of this event even with myself unavailable to attend. i will keep you posted.

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Is this still open? Sorry new here but would love to play and support this event.


It is! Sign up sheet and payment instructions are in the first post. Try to fill an empty spot on the Google Sheet first.

Welcome to The Refuge!