Maxamania II @ Rackham GC (Detroit, MI) 2022, May 21

I will gladly leave mine somewhere else on the course as well. The FcF is sponsoring hole #1 so maybe just leave it there for turn beers and such.


Iā€™ll bring a cooler that is just normal size since the big one has vanished into thin air. Iā€™m starting on 13 so we can leave that there.


Iā€™ve got a cooler with ice, cups, handle of Titoā€™s, and transfusion ingredients we can stick out there somewhere.



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Fuck yeah! I can honestly say, Iā€™ve never had a transfusion.

Also, what time do you need people there to help out jesse. Iā€™m probably gonna be there round 8 but can be earlier if need be.

Or potentially a 3 hole loop haha

I have several bottles of shitty vodka Iā€™ll bring along as well for the Transfusions.

Iā€™ll also bring 4 or so cases of water, along with several bags of ice.

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The crew at Rackham is going to be there at 7:00. Iā€™ll probably get there at the same time.

7:30 - 8:00 should be good Jono.

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Iā€™m so excited I might just camp in the parking lot tonight.


Have fun out there tomorrow, fellas. Bummed I couldnā€™t be there this year, unfortunately some family stuff got in the way.



I could bring this:

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Original Maxamania tee marker in the studio!


Iā€™ll shoot to get there at 8 as well to help set up. Iā€™ll bring a cooler full of ice. Also going to bring my FCF hat, which just doesnā€™t fit my giant head right, so we can add it to the raffle. Never wore it except to try it on.


Hell yeah.

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Zip ties. Can someone please bring several tomorrow?

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Hey guys -

Man this sucks to type up. But I canā€™t make it today. The plan was for me to spend Friday all day at our GFPD outing here in Illinois, and then get a few hours of sleep and hit the road around 3 or 4 am to be at Rackham by mid-morning. But Max has had a rough couple of days and caught something. Itā€™s not covid, strep, or flu - but definitely something viral thatā€™s hit him kinda hard. Super tired, congested, and a fever thatā€™s popping occasionally. So I canā€™t leave and head out 6+ hours away, but man this sucks.

I was so pumped to come out for the entire day with the course to ourselves. And more importantly, to see those of you I met last year and meet everyone I havenā€™t met yet in person. So thank you to @JDGAFFLIN and the rest of the crew that put this unbelievable event on - I feel terrible to miss it but Max always seems to have an impeccable sense of timing. Max will be fine, but stuff like this just hits him harder than most kids.

Whatever money you guys raise today will be donated to the GFPD to support research and other support for families battling this disease. This organization means so much to our family and Iā€™m so honored by Maxamania and all of you.

Iā€™ll leave you with a couple of pictures. Max isnā€™t a cuddler by any means at this point. Almost never (usually any cuddling attempt is met with a straight arm) - except when heā€™s feeling bad. Then he has to cuddle and doesnā€™t seem to have energy to do anything else. This was last night when he was upset and we were trying to get him to settle down. My 11-year-old daughter offered to hold him (which typically isnā€™t her thing) and this was them for a good hour or so:

So yeah - heā€™s not feeling great if heā€™s willing to cuddle like that.

And yesterday we did have our GFPD outing here in central IL - and while we have some amazing sponsors all over the course, this one in particular always brings a smile to my face:

Thank you to each and every one of you who will be out there today. Iā€™ll be watching the thread and cannot wait for some great recaps of all the shenanigans. Iā€™m so sorry to miss out but I had to stay close. And please someone hit the 10-11-14-15 loop at Rackham - I did that a couple of times last year and itā€™s such a perfect 4 hole route.


Wow. Listen, I need a night to compose my thoughts, so this will be a brief macro level statement.

You guys are amazing.

$2570.00 for Todd and the GFPD. Not to shabby considering we had 30 drop outs totaling an additional $5250.00 we could have raised. Weā€™ll get those other 30 people next year!

Thatā€™s on top of $9500.00 course rental fee.

I had a blast. And Iā€™m going to go out on a limb and say the rest of you sickos did too.

I love each and everyone one of you.

Iā€™m going to get a Dr. Pepper.


Had a ton of fun out there today. Pretty gassed so I donā€™t have much to say. But I did want to share this picture of the crazy cloud that rolled in about 10am and brought with it our rain/lightening delay. This was taken on the 16th hole minutes before it started dumping buckets.


Hell of an event @JDGAFFLIN! Thank you for all of the work you put into this, and for seeing it through despite the dropouts. There may have been fewer people, but it absolutely was no less fun than last year.

Shout out to @sageat and @lucasdreez for continually kicking our ass over and over againā€¦ and @chefcycle and @treeputttim for joining us in our pillow fight scramble at the end.


Man. What a day.

@JDGAFFLIN I can thank you enough for your efforts in getting this thing together again this year. Such a damn roller coaster. Shout out to @kfisch, @waver82 who the FcF might just lay claim to, And the one and only @blackhammer. just a great great time the first round.

The weather delay hang at the mini shelter was all time. Props to @JJS and @Kirk19 for sticking it out with us and @eatonsb and @Jalspurg for the rescue beers! An elite level small gathering of the minds!

After all the different weather predictions we lucked out.35 minutes total and the rest of the day was mint.

Really good to see some old faces and always a pleasure meeting some new folks.

Great alt shot round. And shutting it down with a few more holes with @jasona93 and long drive Tom, @twturner the refuge event legend.

Much love. Many thanks.