Iowa Strapped - Rebranding to The Butter Cow

Most likely. Which would be great, would probably have to switch to a Thur start if that was the case. So well see :crossed_fingers:

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What’s the date?

I wouldn’t say that. At most a shotgun start or block of two hours going off one. It’s only 15 tee times. Typical muni tee table is 8 foursomes an hour.


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Alright all. Roll call. Just trying to get as accurate a list as we can now so I can get the times fully set aside. If you still plan on attending ignore this. If things have come up please update the list accordingly. I hope to hear back about NIT Application soon. Thanks!


Unfortunately the member guest got moved back a week this year and I will no longer be attending. Sad to miss this one!

I’m already tryna find a big house BNB so a Roost in itself can drop like it’s hot in DMS.

Translation: anyone wanna go in on a Airbnb? I’m hoping to score an estate where there’s like 10 of us for two nights.


I won’t be attending but I did rent this place for a friend’s bachelor party last year and it was sick:

Check out this Vrbo rental:


Do we have a spreadsheet set up to commit / recommit? Either way I am in.

@scagnetti I know @grandpa_jones has been deep in the AirBNB listings for a minute, may see what he’s got cooking or has seen? We were talking about sharing a spot so anything to cut the costs and add to the fun factor is welcomed.


I’ve not looked at big places as I am only one man. If we can setup a big place for up to 10 I would definitely be down.


Coldwater looking a bit unplayable today.


I put this sentiment to words in the spreadsheet comments. If anyone wants to join us use that part of the sheet to state you’d be in for a mega-bnb-hang.


I should also clarify that the listing is a little bat-shit, but the place is actually sweet. They have a detached garage/pole barn with pool, ping pong, a few arcade cabinets, etc. Also they had a peacock and peahen when we were there last April


Couldn’t see the specific listing but there seems to be plenty of decent options.

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Looks like they changed the listing name so it just shared a generic search. It’s this place:



Checked the dates and it’s booked for our weekend. Sad face.

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I’m just coming over from Cedar Rapids, but would be way in on a mega-bnb


A lot of moving pieces in the Pargame household, most notably baby 4 due in September. So I cannot commit, but I’d truly love to make it to my hometown event if possible. I’ll keep my eye on the dates and maybe I can be a last minute alternate.


I lucked out with baby due July 12. So hoping all goes well for both of us.

Also sign up in post 82 @RunItOut


I am likely going to miss the event which is a bummer. Baby due August 13th. However, being local may work out depending on the arrival.

I’ll mark myself as not attending in the sheet, but may be able to pop out and say hello, or sneak in 1 of the rounds.