We had a late drop from the formidable @WhineyCracker52.
@PonyUp2015, you’re up. So, pony up the entry fee, and you’re in.
We had a late drop from the formidable @WhineyCracker52.
@PonyUp2015, you’re up. So, pony up the entry fee, and you’re in.
@DuckDuckHook I had a change of plans and won’t be able to make it to Dallas that weekend. Have fun out there everyone
When you get tagged in a terrible pun but realize that means you’re in:
It’s cool man, I’m an old dad, not a reflection on you (also class of ‘04).
With @TheSwimmingPool out, @Jason_Long is up next. Let me know if you’re in and send along you entry fee, and you’ll be confirmed.
We also had an unfortunate drop from @SpiethGotMono. One person’s misfortune is another person’s shot at glory. @DHagen you’re up for this spot. Let me know if you’re in and pay the entry fee if so.
Comes out firing on his first post. Bravo.
@Jason_Long not sure if you check in here, but let me know if you’re in. I’ll hold the spot until end of the day before I go down the waitlist.
Thank you for reaching out. Go ahead and offer the spot to the next guy. Thanks and have fun.
Thanks for checking in, hopefully we’ll get you out to another gathering.
@Kjn you’re up now. Let me know if you’re in.
@DuckDuckHook are you doing a raffle or silent auction or anything? Have some items to donate if you do.
I have 2 custom headcovers to auction off so far. If you have some items to add, that would be great. If anyone else has any items to add, please let me know. As of now, just doing auction as we don’t have enough items for raffle.
@DuckDuckHook Bummer, I’m now out of town that weekend. I’ll have to catch the next event.
Sorry to hear that but appreciate the quick response. @andyman8 you’re next up! Let me know if you’re in.
I’m in–payment sent
Andy B
Glad to have you!
Hey man, looks like I am not going to be able to make it next week for the event. What do I need to do?
Hey Kyle, I can’t make it next week. I had something come up.
@DuckDuckHook is making Big Plex proud in Hawaii right now, so it may take a day or two for him to see your messages.