FCF Presents The Classic Club Challenge, June 4th 2023 at The Mines Golf Course

I’m totally not smart enough to know exactly what age in years best delineates into the separate categories… hence the brief descriptions of what seemed to make sense in each tier. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can chime in if we wanna get real technical, but 7 years ago is simultaneously 2007 in my brain and 2016 on a calendar so that person is clearly not me :rofl:
I figured we could just try to classify everybody as seemed fair before they tee off and go from there. Hickories look totally different than 80s tech, which is pretty different than 2010s sticks, so the eye test should be sufficient.
I doubt anyone would want to be scummy about it, but if they try it the golf gods will get em with some major rub of the green!



I think the descriptions are pretty good. Just historical and retro cover the same age range (unless that’s what you were going for?)


No total mea culpa, I think you’re right with 35+


How frowned upon would it be to put my name on the list if there’s a halfway decent chance I can’t go? Got a lot of golf going on right around then and I’m still trying to convince my fiancé that playing that much is totally chill :sweat_smile: probably 80% chance I’m fine

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Now we talkin. I could be in to give that set a run!


We still have some flexibility on number of tee times, I’m pumped everyone is showing some enthusiasm and signing up! I’m thinking to add 4 alternate slots to the bottom of the signup in case we continue to fill out to either have an additional slot, or to pull people in incase we have drops - so I’d say go ahead and sign up and we can adjust as it gets closer if need be!


Okay, I’m in! Any chance I can get some more percentage shaved off for playing a half set? :laughing:


Yeahhhh lets go!!!

For real…what about about a half set of persimmons and hickory…although I think I’m only 2-3 clubs short of a full set.

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Isn’t a full set of hickories only like 6 clubs anyway? You’ve got a driver, a putter, a niblick, a mashie, and like 2 in-betweeners? :rofl:

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I likely will actually use a half set, my retro clubs were built for that. Maybe I’ll throw in an extra club. It’s all late 90s stuff and a putter from like 2010, so may have to find a different putter just for the day

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These are what I have. I’ll need to check the dates of my persimmons to see how old they really are. But these are all hickory except one of the irons. So technically it looks to be a half(full) set.


So the club bonus is coming off the 80% cap number?

Those are sick!!! can’t wait to see em out there! Are they super whippy??

so I need to figure out what the heck I’m doing for the rest of my set. I’ve got TP11’s P-3 that I should be able to run - just need to at least get loft/lies checked.
Where do we land on historical vs new putters? I do have my great grandfather’s putter maybe i’ll bag for the weekend.
I think I may have a early 2000’s driver/wood setup but I’d need to check. Worst case i’ll hit the goodwill beforehand


Here’s how I’ve got it worked out. Say you’re a 10cap playing retros

  • 80% hcp applied → 10 x 80% = 8
  • Quota target → 36 - 8 = 28
  • Retro bonus is 70% of quota required: → 28 x 70% = ~20

Based on all that your baseline quota target would be 20. After that it’s a normal comparison of who did the best vs their target. I have the shared doc built to calculate all this directly, so if it’s easier for people to just report their achieved score to me at the end of the round I can quickly calculate how they did after accounting for their cap and bonus.

The models I ran say the bonus seems fair, but I could be totally off base. A scratch who games 90’s blades as their daily driver is going to have an advantage, but at some point I stopped worrying about it #playbetter

extremely! but the hardest club for me is the putter. I cant control the speed with it at all.

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Oh man, I hear that! I have a hickory putter I’m considering bringing but I can’t hit a pothole with it, let alone the cup :rofl: I have no idea where the face is, how much the ball is going to jump… it’s tragic.

It’ll be super impressive to see you post a number with that set!

I’ve taken them to the course once and played Indian Trails. I think I stopped keeping score after the 2nd hole. I dont even have a clue what distances I can hit with them. It will be a blast for sure.

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