Carolinas Christmas Clash - PCC vs. FF - December 10 - Stono Ferry Golf Course

I’m moving the week before, but let me sleep on it fellars. Never need too much reason to go visit Charleston

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I am moving over the next two weeks and hosting the event. Doesn’t seem like a valid excuse. We’ll see you there.


One month is longer than a week! I know numbers are hard for you lawyers, but I’ll do my best. Would love to attend an oyster roast at Mrs. Campbell’s.

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My parents grew up in Marietta and are Wheeler grads. They welcome all ATLiens.

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Technically I’m more of a big boi in this situation as I grew up in Savannah and later on moved to Atlanta, but I’ll take it

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How have you not recruited @4PuttLegend and @GeneralQuinn yet?

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That’s a miss on my part.

@4PuttLegend @GeneralQuinn @tuck_mulligan your presence is kindly requested during the 2nd weekend of December in Charleston. First Flight has already secured the commitment of @golfingossett and would love to add some more Peachtree representatives. Your recruiting packages can be negotiated

I believe @acochran32 should also represent First Flight in the event and his recruiting package has been presented to him.

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Just as long as you let @4PuttLegend know that @jcsouth is on the PCC should he come. We know about his feelings towards South.

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I’ll be in Italy or else I would be there. Despite you forgetting about us. I expect this from @EZmiss but not you. We took you in as an honorary member. Ill nominate @jan42dk in my stead.


Humble brag.

I deeply regret the error and beg for forgiveness. It wasn’t until very recently that outside representation was allowed on the teams. I will do my best to make this up to you and the Peachtree Collective.

And would love to have @jan42dk represent Peachtree on the First Flight team.

Hell, let’s just get all the Peachtree guys in Charleston for the weekend. @PurpATL @DawgLeg @mcervantes30


Can’t believe you’d be willing to separate the lovely couple.



Only one of us has actually played in a GA tournament and it isn’t @westerj12. It’s just really cool of you to take international trips during events we organize. Maybe one day.

Do both teams have Collectives set up yet to aid with NIL negotiations so we can decide which roost to commit to? Also, how many spots are open for both teams at this point?

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Only one of us has a hole in one in the state of Georgia…

Not sure how that’s relevant but I just wanted to say it.


First Flight has 5 spots available it seems. Thought we only had 3 but @EZmiss seems to have removed his father and Rusty from my roster.

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Currently, the PCC Collective is offering oysters with this view (but better because landscaping has improved since this was taken) for the low low cost of $125

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And oyster knife included for $135*


Sorry boys - wife is measuring bigger which means I’m basically on house arrest in December until the kid comes. While I cannot attend, I officially announce my support of anything North Carolina over all things South Carolina.