For the amount of time spent I feel like I made an equivalently good logo
What program do you use? Not that I’m gonna pay for one or start making logos, just curious
Thank you. This event will now be an easy sell with such a logo to have my wife attend.
Affinity designer since I won’t pay for illustrator
Of you to call @westerj12 a heathen
Hey I posted I was in for this in the other chat but didn’t notice I needed to in this one. Is it too late to add myself?
You’re good. Got you on the list. Thanks!
Don’t listen to @westerj12. You’re in the PCC and listed on our roster for the event. Don’t worry.
Custom oyster knives would be $10 each…just saying
I am in for 2
Let’s gauge the interest then…$10 each. Wooden, engraved handles.
Is custom oyster knives the most random refuge event merch item?
Hmmm. All my ties are to SC (even my handicap), but I want to take down @EZmiss , so tough call. Would I be able to pick which team I play for or we drafting / negotiating b/t roosts?
You can pick. And First Flight would love to have you and provide you with the opportunity to take down @EZmiss
We will allow you to pick but negotiations can certainly take place.