Nope your card isn’t charged to enter the lottery and won’t be whatsoever if you don’t get in.
It only comes into play if you get a spot in the playing field and cancel because you’ve decided to mow your lawn or something that weekend.
Nope your card isn’t charged to enter the lottery and won’t be whatsoever if you don’t get in.
It only comes into play if you get a spot in the playing field and cancel because you’ve decided to mow your lawn or something that weekend.
Seems like a direct shot at @jimithng23
Should we get an e-mail confirmation when we sign up for the lottery?
I think you should from Unknown Golf, you registration should say pending in Unknown Golf and should get an email that your registration was received
I never got a confirmation e-mail, but it looks like I signed up correctly in unknown golf. It’s not letting me register again. I’m sure it’s fine.
I just looked and you are in there.
Thank you!
What time can we expect the lottery to be held today?
Hawaiian Standard Time please.
Am I the only one looking at how many times the link has been clicked, checking field size, doing some quick maths?
Just browsing the agenda.
Sunday, August 25th
*** Arrive at leisure**
Oh yeah. That’s my speed.
The lottery will not be going down today.
I will give everyone a 24 hour heads up but most likely this will happen on Monday.
I will not be putting a deposit down today then.
Your move Erin.
Damn, I don’t know how I missed this, I could have sworn it said registrations March 18-25. Literally going to be in Denver that week.
The lottery has officially been performed by a friend of the program, Chat GPT. Emails will be coming through shortly for those that were selected. As a reminder you still need to pay the invoice by 5:00 pm ET on Friday to keep your spot. Otherwise, I’ll assume you no longer want spot and I will pull someone off the the waitlist.
For those that are not chosen initially, there is still hope! There is still a lot of time before August and things happen. I’ll email you if a spot opens up and your name is picked.
*flips between ukg and my email furiously
Is there a preference between ukg or the emailed invoice to pay? Wasn’t sure if it mattered on your end.
This is my first rodeo with UKG but I’m going to say it doesn’t matter.
My registration still says “pending” clearly there has been some mistake
Sobbing aside, fingers crossed for the waitlist
Nevermind - just got the request. I regret nothing in my previous post. I believe ChatGPT heard me cry out in anguish and threw me a bone. @Privatecollection whats on the babies wishlist? I owe you one.
See you at CGC