Santa Anna definitely strikes me as a parks, goes inside, and waits in line guy.
Sam Houston would be curbside pickup for sure.
Santa Anna definitely strikes me as a parks, goes inside, and waits in line guy.
Sam Houston would be curbside pickup for sure.
Woah woah woah, DFW recruits certified killers just because they took the L last time? We need to get UIL involved to validate this transfer and provide an eligibility assessment.
no kidding … the NLU charter strictly forbids IMG Academy from recruiting, er, “operating” in Texas.
It’s not our fault that the metroplex is a vital economic hub with an abundance of job opportunities for those who also happen to be quite skilled at unconventional handicapped golf formats.
@nickp is already a top salesman in his first six months at Garrity Motors and we have no comment at this time how @JCO’s mailbox came to be at his “grandmother’s house” in Irving.
Austin similarly has no comment about Soly’s choice of Austin as the new NLU HQ2 and semi-permanent housing location.
We’re the DFW, if we can’t beat em you bet your ass we will pull some strings to change that.
Austin bought @nickp a gold Trans-Am, but we just picked up the monthly payments when we convinced him to move here instead.
I’m certainly getting SMU-Eric-Dickerson vibes.
SMU was so, so dirty. They weren’t the only ones, by ANY stretch, but they were do dirty.
Now that oil prices are up again, team Houston can finally afford to financially benefit their team equipment and handicap wise. All questions will be directed to Jeff Luhnow
I don’t see anything wrong with that.
What’s the golf equivalent of the Death Penalty? Everyone on DFW plays hickories left handed from the tips?
Naw, the Death Penalty would mean we couldn’t even compete or bring on new players for a year or two, and all the best existing players would transfer to Austin and Houston. It’s a full program shutdown.
They have to choose their clubs out of the barrel of used clubs at the local driving range.
JR Ewing, ever heard of him?
But DFW can’t adjust their handicaps accordingly. Personally, I’m very concerned about handicap integrity.
Lets just go no strokes involved this year
Excited to hopefully get in on this this year. Missed it last year, but Golden Age Classic was a blast. Looking forward to it