Tumbleweed Two Ball III (Phoenix, AZ) 03/09/25 - Aguila Golf Course


Tumbleweed Two Ball III hosted by the @DryHeat Roost

Sunday March 9th, 2025
Location: Aguila Golf Course - both 18 hole and 9 hole courses
Cost: $121 for golf (due at course day of) - $20 donation to Youth on Course to confirm your spot (can DM me a receipt of donation)

32 players - 16 teams of 2 (let’s keep this thing growing!)

The teams will be picked by a semi-blind draw based on handicaps. @jsg_nado & @generaltso can stay teamed up to defend their title. If inviting a guest to play, you can team up as well.

We will be sticking with the same format as last year.

  • Morning round at the Championship 18 hole course - First Tee Time is 8:00am
    • Team Net Stroke (count both scores)
  • Two rounds at the short 9 hole course
    • 8somes starting around 2:30pm (or a little earlier if everyone has had a chance to grab a quick bite for lunch)
    • First round - team alt shot (gross) - Player 1 tees off on #1
    • Second round - team alt shot (gross) - Player 2 tees off on #1







The donation to confirm your spot is not due when you add your name to the list. You’ll have until the end of the year to send that to me to keep your name on the field list.

In January, if you have not confirmed your spot with the donation, I will move your name to the waitlist and begin asking those already on the waitlist if they would like to join the field.

For sure want to be in on this, will need to remember to sign up on the sheet at some other point since work in their infinite wisdom decided to block Google Sheets of all things.

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I’ll throw your name on the sheet


Much appreciated, Jon


Signed up! Thanks for the reminder before the sheet got full @Jpop942

@GeneralTSo Hoping the NIT is a better date this year so if we repeat you go this time :crossed_fingers:



Thanks buddy, looking forward to it! Hopefully I don’t get you sick again this time

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A real beauty


So I hope you guys don’t mind a couple Ohio boys coming out for the event. @cussingmussel and I are gonna come in from Cleveland. Seemed like a great time to get away from the shitty weather here, play some desert golf, and catch some Guardians spring training.


Field Update:

All 32 spots are tentatively filled! 12 of those spots have been confirmed with the YOC donation.

Reminder: You have until the end of the year to donate to confirm your spot, after which I will open it up to anyone on the waitlist.


Putting the field on notice I have been having a ton of wrist/thumb pain and I will likely be taking another 6-8 week break from golf this winter.

Last year that was part of the secret sauce to a W so watch out :eyes:


Currently, only 13 of 32 spots have been confirmed with Youth on Course donation. Reminder that you have until the end of the month to confirm your spot before I jump to the names on the waitlist.

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1 week reminder for the following to confirm your spot (1/2):
@samba24 @Chewy @RolandOfGilead @pushdraw @sea_bear @matthew823 @jknudtson @TheSwimmingPool @Waffles @YipsMcDivot


1 week reminder for the following to confirm your spot (2/2):
@chearnen13 @Woodsy24 @EwLane @JosieWon @beriganr @Nacho


Last 2 days reminder for the following:
@Chewy @pushdraw @matthew823 @YipsMcDivot @chearnen13 @beriganr

Confirmed. DMd receipt

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@Kusch85 @StatGuy @ArizonaBirdMan - you 3 have been tentatively moved into the field list. You have until 1/10 to send a DM of your $20 donation to Youth on Course to confirm your spot. After that, I will open it to players on the waitlist.

@pushdraw @matthew823 @YipsMcDivot @beriganr and any new potential attendee: One spot remains in the field. To avoid multiple people sending receipts to confirm their spot - RESPOND IN THIS THREAD FIRST BEFORE SENDING THE DONATION. That way people should see that it was claimed before donating themselves.

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Hey sorry for the delayed response! My wife’s due date for our second child was moved up and now coincides with the Tumbleweed 2 Ball. I’ll unfortunately have to miss this year. Good luck to everyone!

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Some important breaking news. Looks like they are trying to roost proof the course. New tee boxes on both 8 and 17.

8 from the silvers played ~260 and there was a 230 carry. And there was still a box behind us. Should make for some spicy choices.


It didn’t stop you from driving the green.

I’ll leave out what happened after…