The Refuge Feedback Thread

Refuge is back!


I guess it all comes down to what you expect from our 5 favorite golf fanalysts.

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If I feel like this when I willfully listen to something I’m consuming for free I …

Turn it off.


But if we offended you, doesn’t that count?


Don’t ever change.


I much prefer your rainbow cow avi, but this is also fantastic. That’s it, that’s my feedback.

Haha glad to see everyone around here is open to criticism! Just saying it’s kinda like when your local band gets popular, but either way I will be listening and willing to be offended in the future!

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I actively looked up to see if there was a thread in Publishing House about the latest pod.

I enjoyed it, and thought there were some great takes…to quote @Tron - JT says in a previous pod he was against being miced up and said that this exact situation might happen - maybe you need to look in the mirror and just not say that shit”

Everything handled fairly and in balance to a point. Sure, there are some takes that the guis probably have they can’t push out on free to air, but it’s great to hear 80% of the team discussing the stuff fairly openly. I’d rather listen to that, than not have a podcast at all.


…Maybe you just didn’t agree with us.

We could’ve skipped some of the topics, but didn’t. If you think the Tiger mugshot is hilarious that’s within your rights. Personally, I’m having trouble with the relatively weak examples you provided.


I don’t feel like this, specifically about this podcast and about the majority of their content in general. I think the guise (@Soly @Tron @Randy @djpie, might as well @ them since we are discussing them) did a commendable job discussing some third-rail topics. Political correctness, IMO, means taking a position that will likely be popular with a lot/majority of the people; i.e. the easy way out. For this pod, I think that could’ve meant discussing cancelling JT and/or trashing the Tiger doc for what it didn’t contain, that would’ve been the easy way out.

Instead, I felt like they attempted to engage in a nuanced discussion/debate, discussing their feelings on the topic while also bringing up necessary talking points. Overall, I thought was a fair discussion, and I don’t think fair equals political correctness either. I’ve also grown to appreciate @Soly’s interview style. I think he has a good ability to ask questions of guests regarding a position he might not agree with but can do it in a way as to not make the guest defensive. It could be recency bias, but I think the Keith Mitchell interview and the discussion regarding the distance debate is a great example of this.

To be clear, there were also some hot takes in the most recent pod as well, and I am always here for those! In the last 5 minutes alone, @Tron used “scummy” and “bad guy” when describing people, one of whom might shortly be the coach of the Jags.

If I had any issues with this pod, it would be to question whether the guise had a bet on the number of times the word salacious would be used.

Hot takes are fine. They will garner some initial eyeballs. But if you want to keep the eyeballs, the content has to have some substance and I think they’ve been providing plenty of substance.


Maybe they are being politically correct. Or maybe they aren’t shitty people and really feel the ways they express themselves. A true Who Can Say situation.


I feel like this is the reason a majority of people on this site keep coming back. They do this much better than most of the golf media world. Nuanced discussion is regularly missing from conversations these days and NLU days a great job with it.


If anything, i think this is the content and discussion required. If you’re strictly here to consume the hot-takedness or pushback on polictical correctness where you think treading lightly is copping out, maybe you need to re-evaluate your own mindset regarding political correctness, @ChazRhineholdt. It forever is a fluid-situation, as a people/culture we re-adjust (and need to) what is acceptable and what isn’t, nothing every stays the same, and nor should you ever expect it to.

I honestly thought it was a great discussion, requiring the necessary tread-lightedness required, but also reasonable opinion and diving into each person’s thought process into how they interpret and feel, on almost all the topics covered…

and omg Max is mos def a killer.


@ChazRhineholdt, please check out the REFUGE CHANGES thread for an explanation on what you’re able to do as a non-Nest member.

Regardless of what people think of my opinions on this specific topic/pod…it’s pretty cool that 2/4 of the participants on the pod are active in the forum/discussion of it. I really wasn’t expecting that, and i’m not familiar with any other pods/companies like NLU where you can find that. I think it says a lot about how you guys got to this point, and where you are headed in the future


I guess I heard something else because Mitchell’s take on this was incredibly stupid, especially for a tour player. Soly danced around it and hemmed and hawed. Just say it like it is. NO LAYING UP.

I agree with many of the takes above. When they got into this, I would bet that No Laying Up had no idea that they’d be pulled into weighing into heavy matters such as race, gender and sexual orientation issues as well a polarizing US President and his relationship to the game all in the span of a few months! But that is how society and culture work, there is no bright line that separates hot topics from sport. Golf is no exception (no matter how hard the PGA Tour might try…).

My “feedback” would be that I am both glad they don’t shy away from these issues, but also engage (on a medium that is very conducive) in lengthy, thoughtful and nuanced ways. Having conversations in this way is not some woke PC tactic to hashtag protect the brand. The discussion and their takes, at least to me, seem authentic. I think it’s false to assume people’s default is to be offensive or have offensive opinions, and that if they are not expressing that, it is just “being PC”.

This is also a group that is not afraid to take risks. Some of the grenades they throw out there into golf Twitter fly in the face some idea they are risk averse.

Keep going!


I liked Brendan’s! take on the shot gun start. That they can’t “stick to sports” because all of these real-life things are invading sports. I’ve appreciated the NLU guys commentary on this and haven’t got the sense that they’re trying to as you say “woke PC hashtag protect the brand.” But rather are just five presumably fairly privileged dudes grabbling with these complicated things that golf is unable to remain insulated from.


Just to be clear, and I thought I did this in my first post but maybe not - when I said politically correct I really wasn’t referring to any political/social topics like the JT slur, the Trump stuff, or really any political stuff they cover on the pod. I was specifically referring to the examples I mentioned where I felt like they were being extra careful to possibly not offend a very fringe group of people that, if they found those topics offensive, would find a myriad of other subjects and comments offensive anyways. I wasn’t in any way suggesting they don’t talk about this stuff, I was more saying that I felt like they were just making a concerted effort to handle those topics with kid gloves, and those topics really weren’t very delicate in my perception. Clearly, from many of the responses, I am part of a small minority (maybe solo) that holds those beliefs.

If people got a “stick to sports”, don’t be woke, default to hot takes only, bad publicity is still publicity vibe then I am sorry for my poor communication. I felt like the discussions were prolonged by caveats like “not condoning this behavior (mistresses)” or “how much worse Tiger’s DUI couldv’e been.” It felt superfluous. Our perceptions tend to be molded by experience which is why I came here to discuss it and see what other people thought, but it seems a lot of the comments have kind of diverted from the core concerns in my post. Which is probably on me for not communicating it intelligibly.

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It may just be me and my 5th-grade reading level, but I honestly have no clue what you are trying to say.