The Low Country Boil at Caledonia & True Blue (Pawleys Island, SC): 2022, July 7-10

Played Caledonia last Sunday - wanted to give an update on the green health. When I checked in at the PS, they said that there were 4 greens that were ‘bumpy’ and wanted to give me a heads up. When playing I only really noticed the one green, #6, that left something to be desired. By in the large, the course is in good shape.

I walked the course (carried) and what was probably mid 70s to low 80s degree weather. By the end, I was completely spent, which is not normal for me. That low country humidity is no joke - I think Ill just ride when we play in July.

Proshop is well stocked and they mainly carry Straight Down, FJ, and Adidas for apparel along with some additional lesser known brands.

Back porch, restaurant, and 18 green are a real treat. It’s safe to say that were going to have some long faces come Saturday morning.

Cheers and see everyone in a couple of months.