We’re back for another battle of supremacy. An inter-flock dispute to establish the better battlers, golfers, dare I say gentlemen? Who will prevail, Big City Lights or Beautiful Beaches?
When: July 20, 2024, starting at 9:15AM
Where: East Lansing MI, Forest Akers Golf Courses
What: 36 Holes of Golf split between Forest Akers East and West Courses
Who: 24 spots available, to be divided into teams once registration is full
Cost: $122 total ($15 deposit due at signup + $107 due day of the event)
→ Please venmo @mrlatham88 / last 4 7741
18 holes of Quota in the AM on Forest Akers East, the Championship Course, to establish the best individual golfer of the day
18 holes Team Matchplay in the PM on Forest Akers West, to establish the best side of the state for 2024
I was going to be all sassy and question why you’d be buried with an install (or anything work related) on a Saturday, but then I remembered IT-to-Green, and it clicked
I want to join this one so badly since it’s a no-travel home game, but not sure if I’ll be in town that weekend or not… Hopefully one spot stays available a while and I can sort out our family obligations sooner rather than later.
FcFers that makes 24 spots filled! That said, it’s a refuge tradition for someone to bow out less than 3 days till the event, so if you’re still interested hit the waitlist and cross your fingers.
Look forward to establishing 2024’s superior side of the state with yall. Keep your eyes peeled here and on the slack for updates and info as we get closer!
Well I’m not going to wait until 3 days before the event but I unfortunately do have to bow out. Turns out this is the day of my daughter’s 7th birthday party. I was hoping my wife would pick any other day but alas, twas not to be.
I will still be pulling for my eastsiders from afar…
Thanks to everyone who attended the EvW! 36 holes of golf across 2 courses (incl. cart) with a bunch of like minded sickos and perfect weather for $72? That’s about as good as it gets, we may have peaked, please lower your expectations for all future events.
Congrats to @JF_NEOH on winning the quota round in the morning with a gross score of 70, 2 under par (and a quota of +5 against a target of 37). That’s filthy , and a deserved champ indeed.
Also playing well - @brandonmanson@zeoalex@poakes and yours truly with quota scores at even or better. Hell yeah.
Group feedback I heard was the -1 for triple or worse was a well deserved field leveler; people who felt they didn’t play well thought their quota score reflected that (and vice versa!). You can look forward to some version of that being included as standard going forward.
Congratulations to the East on winning the afternoon matchplay 7.5 - 4.5, capped off by @MoTownJag and @JF_NEOH playing a straight up match from the tips that came down to the 18th hole. That’s some sick stuff, awesome to see it out there. Other notable matches - @poakes continuing his dominant play and beating @dicksoch by 4 strokes (not including the 4 pips he was supposed to get for the hcp difference!), @TonyPres careering it and breaking 100 for the first time in years, and @KevinCarlson and I being the only match of the day to halve.
Total raised for Charity is $430! Dollars raised will be going to First Tee Detroit, as the East side was victorious. One final round of applause
Thanks again to @Groovydonutman for the donuts in the AM, @paroutfromhere for the awesome trophy (which will shortly be updated to show 3 East wins vs. 1 West), and to everyone else who put in time ahead of and around the event to help it go off. It was a blast to see everyone out there, catch up with old friends, and meet some new ones. 24 man fields really seem to be the sweet spot for events with a great balance of getting to catch up with everyone and still filling out a meaningful size event.
Our next event is the Lowrider at ElDorado in Cadillac, sometime in September (which I promise I will get formally setup asap…)
I said it in the slack and I’ll say it again here - This was such an awesome event from tip to tail, i was dead to the world yesterday and it was so damn well worth it. These are the events that make me really love golf and even more so this community. and christ for 72 bucks? already can’t wait for next year