It hit -45 last Saturday morning here in Bozeman and the high tomorrow is 44. Gonna get climate whiplash…
Seems so far away after playing pond hockey in -10 windchill.
Are we going to set this up as on official Bonus 9? As in, anyone stupid enough to play more golf in between tournament rounds can play this Monday morning (with later tee times on Landmand?
Been thinking about that, actually. Because it’s looking pretty likely that we’ll have a full tee sheet both days, some will have an opening Sunday afternoon, some Monday morning, etc. My plan is to hit the Dane whenever I have a gap that allows it.
I had thoughts of playing Tuesday morning before heading back to the cities
I thought that way, too, but now I’m going to be headed towards Spirit Hollow by then.
I think that would be great, anyone with an afternoon tee time will have their morning open that day. Not a good idea (for my wallet at least) to play Blackjack all morning before a round!
Once we have a full tee sheet, I can assign tee times and then people can “pod” up for off-time rounds at the Dane. Realistically we probably won’t be able to even book tee times out there until late March so there’s no big hurry right now.
Just signed up!
I’ll be driving from Denver so if anyone wants to car-pool let me know.
Edit: I can pick up people in Lincoln too
Edit #2: I can pick people up in a variety of locations. Along I70/I80. Could reach Omaha but would prefer to meet in Lincoln if that’s the case
I’m seriously entertaining this event, it speaks to my Bandon/Chambers links love, would like to add on, Wild Horse, yes please… driving, can do, it’s part of the deal for us Pacific North Westerners.
Seeing Refugees thumbing their way along the rest stops on 80 is gonna be awesome. Cash, grass or High Noons - no one rides for free.
Anyone know if there’s decent fly fishing along the N Platte or tributaries on the way out from Denver?
Join us! But don’t think too long, we currently sit at 98/112 spots filled
Hoping to be registered and paid by this time tomorrow.
Just saying, I don’t drink so I could be a few peoples best friend…
Yeah, but will all that soda drinking you might have to take 30 pee breaks
I have driven over 250k miles since 2020, we’ve had lots of practice on long drives. It’s amazing what the great scenery of I70/I76/I80 can do for the soul.
It actually makes you question life, but shh
You would take i70 from Denver to landmand?
Haha nah, meant I76*, so used to driving CO > MD that I got the two confused
The three most boring drives.
East out of Denver on i-70 until you hit KC.
NorthEast out of Denver on i-76/i-80 until you hit Lincoln/Omaha
North out of Denver on I-25/US-85 until you hit Newcastle WY.
I10 in the southwest would like a word. And I’ve been on all those routes. I10 is rough