Ah, ive taken the back roads from Got to SC, maybe because of some kind of construction through Omaha and Lincoln, not sure why, but it was the worst stretch of the drive from Denver to MSP by far
The most annoying thing on I-80 in Nebraska are the truckers trying to pass each other at .5mph difference.
They do it all the time and back things up for miles.
My wife and I went to Milwaukee last spring and just outside of Des Moines we got stuck behind this. We followed this truck for 40 minutes before we had a chance to pass.
Shoutout the Stats Boys that infiltrated all these logistics companies and put speed limiters on every truck
Heaven forbid the guy on the right let up for a bit. Good god no. Can’t have that.
Dueling Assholes.
Ze Germans have a term for it
The German word Elefantenrennen translates to “elephant racing”. But this strange German word has little to do with elephants. “Elephant racing” occurs when one truck tries to overtake another truck on the highway with minimum speed difference.
Ponca State Park has some cool cabins and is right on Missouri River. Just another lodging thought for people to consider
That’s provocative, hell of a first post too!
I wish I wasn’t the only western Kansan out here all alone on the plains. The golf can be pretty great!
I’m in, you’re all dead.
Registration Update 1/19:
Registered and paid: 84
Registered and unpaid: 8
Total: 92
Had a few drops due to schedule conflicts, but we’re trending toward filling this B up with 5+ months in the tank. Also I placed order(s) for tee gifts today
In quantities of 115. We’re #manifesting over here.
This is the NLU refuge event of the year without a doubt. I’m predicting at least two Dad’s will be in attendance and FOMO will be at a all time high as June approaches.
I am excited to play golf and drink 100 high noons with my internet friends
Omg, me too!
We have so much in common, should probably hang out someitme.