Hey Guis!
Nice hat
Nope, sending you a DM
Jeremy Ehardt from Colorado. Looking forward to this trip! I’m always on for extra golf if anyone has extra spots available
Hell yeah, welcome!
Same here, I’d like to play Saturday afternoon and early Tuesday morning before a flight home.
Another one of the CO crew here, booked, paid and ready to rock. Stoked for my first dose of NE golf.
You made a great choice, this place is special.
its the biggest dose. prepare accordingly.
I have reached out to my pro to try and set up a round at a couple of nice courses in/near Omaha on Tuesday the 4th.
Nothing definite yet but there will be two spots if anything gets setup. Let me know if you are interested and I’ll let you know when I have something official as well as the details.
Paid and ready
I’m interested!
Putting out the early feeler for anyone interested in Saturday (6-1-24) golf at Wild Horse GC in Gothenburg, NE. https://www.playwildhorse.com/ NLU did a Crash course on it https://youtu.be/JmZ0-N-m-AA?si=5rlvJ-v-WsoBRqAG and it looks sick. They have on site lodging, my plan is to fly into Omaha on 5/31, drive to Wild Horse, spend the night and tee off early Saturday then drive to Sioux City afterwards.
Planning is in the early stages, I’ve emailed WH about lodging availability and tee times so if your interested let me know.
I am definitely interested depending on final details, might never make it back to Nebraska, but Holy Hell that will be a lot of driving in a 24-hr period!
Interested on wild horse as I’m a few hours away but can’t make it to the true event
Can confirm. It is indeed sick.
The Comfort Suites in Gothenburg is also very serviceable. As well as being across the street from the Barn and Grille.
Yeah the drive from Omaha to Gothenburg is one kind of shit (straight shot, nothing going literally), and the drive from Gothenburg to SC is another kind of shit (tons of stop signs, turns, tractor traffic probably).
Very interested but, I likely wouldn’t get there until mid-afternoon coming down from Vail.
Omaha airport to Gothenburg is is about 3hr 45min per google maps and I’ll drive that on Friday. Gothenburg to Sioux City is about 5 hours and I’ll drive that after a morning round at WH hopefully.
Now this is the insider info that I need.
G maps shows just head back to Omaha then 29 N to Sioux City for a total of 4 hr and 53min. Hopefully the tractors stay off the interstate.
I’m coming from Wilmington NC so this is gonna be my summer golf trip.
Fuck the Pinehurst’s, Sand Valley’s and Bandon Dunes with there high costs. I’m going to Nebraska to play golf on the Great Plains of America.