The CLC Matchplay - Season 4: Knockout Bracket time - Post 1169

Thank You @LukeBoatright and @Swing_hard_and_hope . I appreciate it.


Group N - FrankOrr and Jnorwood1983 will go to battle at Duplin CC this Sunday at 4pm…Stay tuned


Will you be drinking Scuppernong wine after?


Pod F getting things going. I’ll be taking on @Blackngold35 at Oak Hollow Tuesday morning.


Hell yeah!! Of Course!!


Group A getting started Sunday with @Just-a-little-right at Tobacco Road. Per usual, the triangle is dipping down to the sandhills for a match. Giving up 14 strokes should be a fun time.


A few too low IMO. We’ll talk about it on the first tee.

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No matches yet? Was really hoping I wouldn’t get the first L playing @wolfpack888 tomodrow!

I’m pretty sure @Fluff got a win today in the first match.

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@DumpyFlow89 and I started the tournament out today at Mid Pines. Was not a pretty match

I’ll let the commish and our playing scorer @Swing_hard_and_hope give a recap. He’s got the pictures too

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Match one was kicked off at Mid Pines on Saturday AM at 8:35.

We had @Fluff and @DumpyFlow89 coming in to a comfy match, as two of the better golfers in the entire group with no strokes being given.

Fireworks were expected, and they came on the first hole. After both competitors air mailed the first green out of excitement, @DumpyFlow89 nailed a 30 footer to save par and the match was on!

Holes 2 and 3 had great par saves by @DumpyFlow89 and a just missed birdie by @Fluff to get to a quick 2 down for fluff after 3.

4, 5 and 6 consist of a drivable par 4 and two reachable par 5s. Get ready for the birdies and eagles!

Narrator: “they did not come on this day.”

Tap in pars won the holes and we got to 7 with the Match tied. The next 3 all went @Fluff as he went par, par, birdie (put it to 6 inches on 9) to close out the front 9. And make the turn at 3Up. The momentum had fully shifted and I was not going to be surprised to see a couple of cold beers ordered at the snack shack.

@DumpyFlow89 hit a 3 wood from the woods on 10, nailed a 10 foot slider and saved a massive par. @Fluff left his uphill birdie putt 3 inches short and it felt like a huge moment. That could have been the dagger.

Hole 11 brought us a DART from @DumpyFlow89 and he finished off the birdie to really feel like we had a good one coming for us down the stretch.

12 went @DumpyFlow89 with a long 2 putt par.
13 went @Fluff with a great up and down
14 went @DumpyFlow89 with a great par from the left woods

We got to 15 with @Fluff 1 up. Time for the par 5 fireworks. @DumpyFlow89 ROASTED a 3 wood from 250 out that ended up over the back of the green. @Fluff had a less than idea second shot that ended up in the woods on the right. After a hit flagstick from off the front of the green they both walk off with pars and the pillow fight continues.

16 saw both competitors mash some tee balls. Position A. Neither hit the green (I didn’t either) it was sad. We even got to hear fluff say “I had a seizure at the top of my backswing”. But @DumpyFlow89 got it up and down and we were on to 17 tied.

It was only right that 17 was bogey made by both competitors in completely different ways. Nothing to write home about.

@DumpyFlow89 pushed his drive into the trees right on 18. @Fluff was a perfect high draw down the middle. The recovery shot was impressive by @DumpyFlow89 but he got “rub of the green’d” so hard on the green side bunker. I wish I had a picture of it and for that I apologize. He got the ball out, which was no easy feat. @Fluff was on the back of the green with 25 feet to 2 putt for par. So @DumpyFlow89 really tried to make his par chip and gave it a good run. But it ran out to 8 feet past.

A 3 putt for fluff later and a tap in double for @DumpyFlow89 we had a winner. Was it pretty? Not in the slightest. But was it a lot of fun? Absolutely.

We even closed out the day with some beers on the patio with @CrucialTaunt and @ColoniusFunk who got to witness the 18th (and may have even boo’d @Fluff when he 3 putted, our sources are trying to confirm.)

And just like that the match play is under way. Looking forward to far more stories and updates to come!


Damn it man this isn’t what I expected hahaha

Well done


Confirmed. :rofl:


I don’t think @wolfpack888 and my match is worth a full review but I will say I was happy to lose 4 & 3 the way I started.

Cory hit a sick putt on 15 from 50 feet up in about 5 feet of fringe and almost holed it. Made the uphill putt to win. Probably the only shot worth noting. @bmasters can attest it wasn’t pretty.


We played golf. I won’t cal it good golf but it was golf haha


Had a few good battles at Occoneechee this morning.

@billythekid chipped in for eagle on 17 to close his match out over @turtle812.

I was able to stage a comeback aided by a poorly timed water ball by @Are_you_double_D to win 1 up.


@tjking we had a dropout from group K. @tylernichols91 can no longer participant, you are first alternate in a CLT group. Ready to step in?

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Can’t believe you didn’t use the not reading all of that meme…




Going to do my best @Swing_hard_and_hope impression to recap a great match with @Just-a-little-right at Tobacco Road.

He came out firing playing the back tees to get that extra stroke (15 in total) and had a 10 footer for birdie that led to a comfy par and easy 1 up. By the time we got to 4, I was only 2 down thanks to a clutch 6 footer on 3 to halve the hole with par. @Just-a-little-right was forced to layup but hit a great iron to about 15 feet. I drain a 25 foot downhill eagle put and he stares me down as his birdie putt falls in the dead center immediately after. He has come to play.

The tide turned on 6 where a run of double bogies led to the match being even on 9 tee. The false front rejected @Just-a-little-right’s approach while I utilized the halfpipe to get one close for birdie and make the turn 1 up.

The back nine is where the strokes really started to come into play:
10: Tied with 6 - match to even
11: Halved with par/bogey
12: Tied with 5 - @Just-a-little-right 1 up

The mega-line was in play on 13 and a couple of tough swings from him led to a comfy birdie to even the match. Knowing that he was not popping on 16 and 17 was really starting to apply some pressure. I clear the water by a foot on 14 and he goes in the back bunker. A conservative sand shot put him just in front of the green and he got it up to gimme range. I buried a 15 footer on top to halve the hole with par/bogey again. 15 was a similar story: halved.

16 tee and @Just-a-little-right doesn’t get a stroke for 2 holes - now is my time to shine. A solid shot to the fairway from me and a leaky 3-wood from him and I am feeling good. The pin is back and we all know what happens if you dont get it all the way back there. He hacks it from the tall grass and somehow it climbs onto the front half of the green - a great shot. I take an extra club up the hill and that was a mistake - I end up just below the tall grass above the hole on the hill. After @Just-a-little-right runs his putt about 5 feet past, I gingerly play sideways to try and get the ball to stop on the top tier - it thankfully does leaving me 15 feet up the hill. Buried again to apply the pressure back on him and his putt is just a touch firm, hits the back of the cup and pops out to 2 inches. FINALLY back to 1 up.

17 tee and we have 120 down the hill. Should be a easy 52, but the hands get moving a little fast and it turns into a pull draw to the far left portion of the green (pin was right). After seriously contemplating chipping on the green, my guilt got the best of me and I gave in to knowing i would have 15-20 feet at best. My putt for par is a mirror image of @Just-a-little-right’s on 16 - dead center but will too much pace, hits the back of the hole and pops to the side for a tap in bogey. He drops a 6 foot comebacker in the middle and we are even headed to the 18th.

After a long, HOT, and HUMIDDDDD day we have the standard extended wait on the 18th tee at TR and @Just-a-little-right has the honors. Neither of us want to talk about what happened after that, but I scratch out the win and live to tell the story. A great start to the tourney and a wonderful match. Looking forward to the next one.