The internationally acclaimed Butter Cow is the single largest Roost event in the state of Iowa and one of the oldest and largest Strapped redux (other than Peoria ). Annually attracting more than dozens of people from all over the midwest and Montana. The Butter Cow in Des Moines/Ames is Iowa’s great celebration, a salute to the state’s best cheap golf.
*totally not stolen from state fair website.
Come one and all and join us for our 3rd year of retracing our beloved @MerchCzar@Randy@djpie steps while competing for a spot in THE NIT.
After the golf is settled throw on some jorts, heavy metal tank top, flip flops, and sunnies and enjoy the majesty of fried food and coooooold beers at The Iowa State Fair
Below is an interest form to gather some basic info. Once I know 2024 costs Ill update this post.
Winter is slow for me for work. Im already workshopping so many ideas. Playing with the politics that this years state fair will bring. Im digging a bumper sticker idea. Just need to find the right design/style. Got these so far