Splash of OJ Presents: Ancient City Shamble @ St. Johns GC (St Augustine, FL) Sept 9 2023


New roost member @thisholidaylife looking to make a splash setting up a 2 - person Shamble at the newly renovated St. Johns Golf Club in St. Augustine, FL

As always entry fee of $10 due at signup. Thanks!


If Doak’s tribute to C.B. MacDonald is “Old Mac”…is St. Johns “Little Mac”?



time is running out to get those hat orders in, we’re a bit light on the grey & white colors (order those colors) so if you to want order please do so

I don’t want to order an extra 20 hats on my own : )

Where do you sign up for this

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Hey there, info is up at the top in the post.

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It is not clear. Is there a link or number I call to sign up? Or perhaps this event is sold out.

The link up top is to a google sheet where you can sign up. There are columns for your name, handle, & GHIN those are most important ones.

Upon signup you are to send $10 to $SplashOfOJ on cash app. $5 goes to charity, $5 goes to a prize pool.

You pay for the golf at the course day of, as we get closer pairings will be posted here and emailed to you through unknown golf.

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Done thanks!
How do I become apart of the Splash of OJ roost? I am based out of Green Cove Springs, FL.


@Big_RanDeer Austin is a good buddy of mine and he’d be a great addition to our Roost for sure! @ASplashOfOJ give Austin a nice welcome into the group. He’s another Jacksonville friendly face.


Welcome, @austinlluke!


Welcome @austinlluke, anyone who rides with @MarkTE44 is guaranteed a good time!



Won’t be able to make this, but hearing reports St. John’s is playing v firm and fast. Players intentionally bringing wooden tees because the plastic ones snap when trying to put them in the ground.


I’ll dm you the link to the slack.

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Please signup on Unknown Golf if you haven’t


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I won’t try to act like a cool kid, but what is this Unknown Golf? I obviously don’t spend enough time on here…

Its a web based scoring system that is being used as of this season. Similar to Golf Genius - you enter your scores via the phone as you are playing and the leaderboard updates in real time.

You can access it via the web browser on your phone or you can pay for the app and score using that. The app has added functionality to do side bets, track stats, etc.


Played this place a week ago, y’all it’s


I just want to confirm this is the right course?

When I first googled it hit on St. Johns Golf & Country Club which is also in St. Augustine lol.


If it’s the course I think it is, I played it back in 2019, hungover after a buddy’s 40th birthday party in St Augustine, and it is a tight piece of property. Everyone working there felt kind of stiff and unfriendly, but they did have an air hose to clean my shoes so I liked that. Some fun holes but very Florida golf.


Sure you’re not thinking of Royal St. Augustine? So many hidden ponds. Fire that whole place into the :sun_with_face:

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