New Nest member and looking to join a Roost. I live in New Haven, CT any suggestions?
@NYC come get your CT peeps!
Ha love it! Im usually a chicago sports fan ( unfortunately as of late ) but I could be swayed - just looking for a good time and to play some golf st some new courses with good peeps
I’m the captain and I’m a Cubs fan! It’s all good
Well then i guess im sold anything I need to do to be part of the STL roost? ( other than cry as the blues destroy my beloved blackhawks )
What’s up y’all! New to the Nest. Looking to join a Roost, Portland, OR/PNW. Thanks in advance and excited to get #involved
@miles would be your guy for the Oregon roost.
Still can’t win a duck race though.
Any in Ireland?
@Jon we’ve got one for ya
Just throw your info on the spreadsheet. Welcome!
I would love to join the Ohio roost!
@jgolf1 ohio claims another
Hudson Valley resident looking to get in the Roost game - seems like NYC is the closest, but not sure if there are subchapters for us upstaters
@NYC can give you a lay of the land out that way.
One of us! One of us!
Hey Cameron, welcome to The Nest! Come join us at the RACDGNY Roost. While we’re centered in NYC, we’ve got lots of people near the New Haven area, including in Fairfield County, folks near Hartford, as well as in Westchester County, NJ, and Long Island.
Here’s how to join our merry band of misfits:
Learn more about RACDGNY here and subscribe to the RACDGNY newsletter here.
Join our Unknown Golf league here.
Let me know if you have any more questions
@JamesE.NelsonJr, I just responded to you in the First Post thread, but I wanted to add that we’ve got people around Albany who play a lot up there.
Also, it’s a great time for you and @cg310 to join because our season’s going to ramp up here soon
Done! thank you!