Roost Roll Call

Its already been said, but turns out you are just making a wonderful choice of moving to a great area that can enjoy both roosts events and fantastic public golf at a good rate.

That being said we have made sure folks in the past choose just one roost for “regional” representation so we don’t have you double counting that way. But other than that hop in both chats, feel it out, choose based off logo, etc.

The First Flight would love to have you and in terms of bribe, we have @westerj12 killing the merch game, so first piece of merch is on me if you decide to take your talents this way. Every roost could use a big daddy! @bigdaddybledsoe

Can you get me plugged in in the FF chat?

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This has almost all the info needed: First Flight 2024 Season Launch - Google Slides

Including the whats app: WhatsApp Group Invite

Hello world. Freshly moved to the Denver area, looking to get involved. Thanks in advance to any leads!


@jskovgaard will take good care of you out in Denver


How does one get a new Flair added? I’ve only got QCH available to me and I’m sick of being associated with those losers.


Try now.


One of the many reasons I love you @JamesHCard :kissing_heart:


In Los Angeles and looking to get involved. Any suggestions or help would be huge.



New Nest Member just outside of Kansas City, MO - home of NFL Refs beloved Chiefs. Would appreciate some help getting connected to a Roost in my area. Thanks in advance.


@Rob_Roth and LowCal are your dudes :+1:


@Howitzer you got a live one!


Long time observer, first time participant looking to finally get involved in an Austin, TX based Roost or anything near. Let me know, thanks.


The Strohs would be your Roost down in Austin. Paging @Jdonelson!


@dnitch47 I’m your guy! Welcome to the Stroh’s. I’ll add you to the right Refuge area in a bit, but honestly, the Discord is far more active and more local.

Throw your name on the roster HERE.

Jump into the Discord HERE. The discord can be kinda hectic; there’s a “new people start here” channel with a few questions to get you started.

Once in the discord, check out the recently-sent Season Kickoff Newsletter HERE. There are channels for each event, including the season-long points race and the season-long matchplay game.

Ping me here or on Discord with any questions. Welcome!

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Appreciate it my man!

Moved to Vegas from SD, looking for Roost in this region.

Not a ton of folks that I know of in Vegas tbh. @ChickPhilA is the only one that comes to mind. She’s gone the LowCal route, which would be no change for you, of course. However, Dry Heat (AZ, UT, and NM) would be the other closest option as well. We’d love to have you as part of our roost but sort of a choose your own adventure being there. Vegas is a bit of a Roost desert tbh.


Thanks, yes been posting in the LV specific thread with Casey but figured I’d throw one here too in the event I was missing something.


Until we can get 20 Nest members in Nevada, we can kind of be free agents (though if you want to try and qualify for Roost Club Championship you can only do so for 1 team LOL).

Many other Roost/Nest people roll through Vegas so I try to help them out and/or get out with them if timing works out.

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