Roost Merch Megathread - Conscious Capitalism Celebrated



The link isn’t working - did I miss the window? Would love that hat.

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Last day on this here merch order for the 2cgc roost

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Has anyone had luck ordering from duck & cover? I sent an email about a week ago asking for a quote and haven’t heard back

We placed our order about a month ago, I reached out yesterday for an update and haven’t heard back yet.

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They don’t have purple fleece. Pffft

Very limited run on some shirts, only have L and XL. Throw you name on the sheet if you see a size and color you want! If you want one and they are sold out, shoot me a DM!


The Duck Club is doing our first run of merch for the coming Roost season. We have three options up for grabs Hoodies, Hats, and Towels. We went with something simple for our first run (also my first time doing this.) but both the Hoodies and Hats will be Embroidered.

Mock-Ups are rough, but I will have final ones before the orders get printed.

If you are interested in ordering, fill out the form and than shoot me a message on here before sending any payment. We’ll obviously have to convert for CAD to US, but everything will cost the same as our Roost Members.

Any questions shoot me a message.

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Flock off this looks good. Ordering the teal to replace that long sleeve that had the tough scene copyright issues my guy.


Shout out Warner bros haha


I was recently elected to the board of the brand new organization, Friends of Asheville Muni. We’re a 501c3 and our mission is to help raise funds for the course and fund a few smaller projects ourselves.

As part of our organization phase, we’re trying to come up with a logo. I’ve seen a ton of great Roost logos, so I’m reaching out to see if anyone would be willing to lend us a hand. I tried using AI make a logo, but the results were not great.

Hit the DMs if you’re interested. Thank you for your time.

As far as compensation, we can hook you up with some merch, if/when we get some made. Or, I’m happy to make a donation in your name. We’ll think of something.




New High Cotton hats are coming next week… been a long time coming, but more than excited to fulfill @MerchCzar longstanding request for the “Marlboro” hat


Like a new batch to order from? Or ones that were ordered are arriving?

From discussions with @leftysauce, I believe that this is a new batch to order from!


Abandoned Dudes Classic 2.0 raffle info is up and donation link is live

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Completely new batch, not a single hat is spoken for yet :handshake: we’ll open up a link to order once they get here and I can lay eyes on them

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Standby for a link to order :eyes:


Those are so, so good.