A little High Cotton Club merch finally going out!
I want to get an idea of how much demand there actually is for the FF ballmarker outside the roost. If you would seriously consider buying one, please respond to the poll; I don’t need to know who is voting, this is just a way to get a rough estimate so I can figure out how many blanks I need before I make them available to order.
The price here includes shipping within the continental US: $14 for unpainted logo, $16 for painted logo. The blanks are copper, and are 1" diameter and 1/8" thick. There are stamping options for the back of the markers too, just as an fyi.
- Yes, I would buy one
0 voters
Strange, I have it set to anyone with the link can edit
original link was to a forum thread (assuming a post on the Big Plex thread) which is probably why I got swatted. Looks like the links to the G-sheets work
I suppose this is roost adjacent but I have extra stocking caps and t shirts from March Mudness.
Did these as a fundraiser for first tee of greater Chicago. Hats we will go $20, shirts are $30.
Slide into DM’s if interested!
Better pic of shirts
SCGC Imperial Performance Hat interest and order sheet
For your consideration: three Imperial Performance hat options, each one sporting a Second City GC logo variant. Drop your handle in the spreadsheet and we’ll follow up as we get closer to placing orders. We will probably keep the order open through our next local event, the Burban Memorial on 4/16.
Yeesh, these STROHS hats look sick, even in a corn field. Thanks @Jdonelson!
knee high by the fourth of july babyyyyy. That hat is sick, signed a member of Big Plex
As someone who grew up in Indiana, this statement gets me right in the feels.
We’re putting together another hat order if anyone is interested
Same I’m a Hoosier. Ate corn in some form every single night for dinner.
Yeah, my grandma still brings me pictures of the corn every year once it gets knee high. The best one was when the corn was over my 5’2” tall grandpa’s head at 4th of July. They were all freaking out.
Corn and freezer beef. It’s a way of life.
I’m placing an Imperial order tomorrow if you want some Big Plex. White performance hat with the flaming cowboy hat logo.
The Supercell is also getting ready to place an Imperial order for a few different hats featuring Dusty, your favorite Roosts’ favorite Roost logo.
Order form will be open until next Friday, April 8th. After the deadline, I’ll be accepting payment and placing the order next weekend.
I didn’t expect these to have huge demand, so I think I should have enough blanks in stock to open an order form. For simplicity I’m sticking with the same back design options I have for those in the First Flight roost, but if you really want something custom, DM me and we can chat. I do also have the state outlines for CA and MN, in addition to NC.
Important note for those outside the First Flight roost, I’m local to the Triad area of NC, so that’s where any potential golf meetups would take place. I know in the order form it says stuff about local pickup to save on shipping, but that won’t really work logistically unless you’re going to be in the area.
TL;DR, ballmarkers are $14 shipped within the continental US for unpainted logo, $16 for painted logo. If you’re international, DM me so I can work out shipping costs.
Thinking about an alternate color scheme hat series. Thoughts?
Not a visor guy but I would buy that navy/green combo yesterday.