Roll Call: Wisconsin - We're So Back

Shit! where was this yesterday? I was on campus this morning for something…

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Milwaukee area. New to thread, but not to golf. Trying to figure out how to join a local roost?


We don’t have a Wisconsin roost (yet). Closest option will be second city (Chicago area).


What does it take to make “yet” a possibility?


Read up here. The gist:

20 nest members, ability to plan 3 events for the year, monthly meetings with other roost captains, a name, a logo.


Ope-in and bourbon are two. Would only need one more event. Could add the Erin hills or eagle spring’s event or something else.


Happy to give up the planning of the Ope, but, to use it for anything meaningful for a roost, it’s moving up in the calendar and that causes all kinds of headaches in terms of not being on top of other events.


I have some roost thoughts, relevant here is we bring back the Greater Milwaukee Open at Brown Deer Park.


Long term I’d be interested in helping plan an event in the GB / Fox Valley area if there’s any interest. I don’t know if that many other nest members up here though. Certainly a smaller number than further south in the state.


Sounds like we have the basics to get the process going…but we need a name and a logo

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I was talking to @djpie about getting a Wisconsin roost going at the Donnybrook. I feel like we’d have enough interest from GB, Madison, and MKE


Frozen Tundra Golf Club

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While we may have the interest, we need the person who is interested in running it. I will say it now, I’m not that person, I have too much shit going on and my schedule is far too unpredictable to ever be able to make it work. There isn’t an insignificant amount of time you have to spend for this unless you have a number of people step up to help, speaking from those Roost Captains I know and have talked with.


As someone who has planned 1 whole bachelor party, planning stuff like this is way more work than expected.

It’s herding geese


Having planned a matchplay in Wisconsin 2021 for a group here, and the Ope-in, can confirm. Between work, WSGA, club events, and trying to be sure my wife doesn’t leave me I just know I don’t have the time. Will more than happily help with an event in the summer and smaller meet up events in the winter.

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So depending on how busy I am IRL, I go back and forth on kicking the tires of running the roost. If you find me on a vacation, chances are I’ve mentally mapped out how to accomplish this versus the last 2 months haven’t thought about it once. I’m a planner by nature and by coping mechanism so I’m not worried about that. My 2 big blind sports are (1) I’m not really in a sport where I can travel around the state to do this and (2) I have no idea how to run the scoring of an event.

I’ll circulate something regarding interest to see what numbers we have and where everyone is. If we don’t have the numbers then I can stop worrying about this. If we do have the numbers, then, well, I guess we all have some decisions to make. Requirements are 20 NEST members, 3 state events/meet ups, and 1 regional event (and we’d have to figure out a way to determine who qualifies for the regional).

The threshold question is are you willing to commit to this? After we see numbers and where everyone is we can brainstorm what and where the events look like. We already missed the deadline for 2023, so this would all be for 2024. Plenty of runway.

Last thing I will say is if I end up doing this (and it’s still if) I am going to push very hard for a charitable component to this. Not sure what that looks like, just being transparent.


Happy to, also happy to help plan some things and whatever else with the good and bad from the couple things I’ve done, as I mentioned. I’m just too well aware that I can’t do it justice by trying to run it.

That’s a requirement, I think, so that’s good.

I think* that NLU has ways to help with stuff like golf genius

*don’t quote me


Are you willing to commit to this?

I feel like I am. I have my first child on the way (due early November this year), so I guess I don’t really know how much I can commit to playing. But I’d be more than willing to help with planning or coordinating for an event in my area (Milwaukee, but I work in Burlington so happy to help with anything from Lake Geneva over to Kenosha and up through MKE). I just wouldn’t be able to take on 3 events properly dispersed throughout the state.


Still relatively new to all of this, but happy to help out wherever I can.

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I am in for this and in to help aswell

My son has a rare genetic disorder(angelman syndrome) and I run the chicago marathon each year to raise money… by each year I mean this is my 2nd :blush:.

So if there is any way to get my sons charity involved I’m happy to commit as much of my time as needed to the ROOST for that :+1:t2: