Roll Call: Western New York, Lake Effect Roost sign up,

The Roosts are clubs spread throughout the US, Canada, and the UK that are either already existing or forming to commit to playing competitive golf to determine entrants into a Worldwide Championship later this year.

Really what we are trying to do is get people out to play golf locally with other sickos and develop the in person connections many of us in other parts of the country and world have done.

I cannot express how much I value the real life friendships I’ve found here. Finding people interested in golf the way you are interested in golf makes it so much more enjoyable.

To get a sense of what others are doing, check out the Instagram profiles of a few of the groups that have been doing this the last few years.

You don’t have to be a Nest Member to play in local qualifiers, but you do in order to advance out of local play.

Also Western NY, you gotta get your application in!

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