Roll Call: Western New York, 2025 Roost sign up

Yes! This would be great to do for next year.

Unfortunately I can’t play this Friday, but Diamond Hawk and Seneca are great choices.

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I’m headed out of town this weekend otherwise, I’d for sure join. Sorry

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You won’t regret playing at DH or Hickory! Here’s some recs I threw out a couple months ago: Roll Call: Western New York, Lake Effect Roost sign up, - #535 by Pendo23

I know a lot of people have gripes with it, but for me I would elevate Glen Oak from fine to actively good. Did not play Diamond Hawk this year (no ragrets) though I got in a round at every other rec here. Ivy Ridge is easily the best of them and Harvest might have something to say about that when they finish their work.

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You’d put Ivy Ridge top? The more I play it, the more I see the same holes being repeated. I’d probably put it 3rd, after Seneca and HH, personally. But then again, I’m still a newbie to the area :man_shrugging:t2:

Ivy’s customer service is second to none in the area I think. I agree there’s some repetition across some holes (1 & 10, 6 & 14, 9 & 18) in general lay out but I think greenside and the greens do a lot to separate each of those.

Harvest’s CS leaves a lot to be desired and pace there can be glacial at times. Only reason I knew about the work on the back 9 is because my buddy called to book instead of the (definitely improved) online system and they told him. Otherwise we would have paid nearly $70 in late September to loop the front 9 twice. No thanks. If the course wasn’t such a blast I would put it under Glen Oak in my favorite courses.

I really like Hickory and it’s either 2 or 3 for me. The greens just beat the shit out of me every time. Distance and cost knocks it a touch in my book too. I can drive just as far to pay $20 less at Byrncliff or Ironwood.

Speaking of Ironwood, if no one has heard it ended up selling recently. New owner is co-owner of Buffalo Cigars and former owner of ECS, which sold to NRG about a decade ago and is on Genesee across from the airport. Hoping he sinks in some coin because that place has such high potential to be up there as the best of the best.

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Wow the prices are crazy good. Glen Oak is $33. Wow

Diamond Hawk is my favorite. Love almost every hole there.

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Looking at the calendar and for anyone who has Veterans Day off we might be looking at some decent weather

Have a lot of sick days I should probably use, so might be game.

How decent we talkin?

High of 55 or so give or take how far out we are

If we can avoid rain take that to the bank

Early sign up for 2023 match play. Will run thru the summer. All details aren’t ironed out yet. But trying to get the ball rolling. We are going to look to include central ny and northwest PA, if they are interested we will do pods then finals as others do it. First year i would like to keep it fairly simple just something to get off the ground and going. Honestly if we have 8 people in fine with that too. I just don’t want to wait until last minute and not do something. We will do sign ups until aprilish. Then cut it off and finalize everything and get it under way. I personally usually get off the road from traveling mid may. So hoping everyone is fine with that kinda being a start time so i can be involved. If anyone else here wants to do an event, make a date, pick a place and set it. If we get 4 folks great if we get 20 folks. Great. But i think getting these things planmed and set early will make sure we get something done. To try and accommodate everyone’s schedule is impossible, that’s why i say if you decide to do it. Set it around your schedule and where you want it and those of us available will make it! As I’ve said i have 2 young ones and pretty active locally so i may not make every event. But I’ll try like hell. And i might not be the best captain if we get a roost. I’ll try if no one else wants to. Continuing my golf season in the middle of the country for ole Kansas. For a little bit longer until onto the next job. Hope everyone is doing well and taking advantage of this fairly dry fall we have going on.

Resharing roost sign up. Anyone new add yourself. Just shows the amount of interest when applying to be a roost.b they ask for name, how many interested and a logo. If everyone is fine with it. I’ll just go with the
rust belt roost for now. I have a couple logo ideas. Lake Effect Roost i don’t think was as coveted.

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Hi Josh. Member of Duck Club in Canada. Cant join your roost, but would be interested in attending 1 or 2 of your events, if schedule would permit. Could drag some other Duck Clubbers too!!



Absolutely and that’s always a topic. Getting together with our neighbors to the Nord! Now that the boarders opened up normal that should help.


Reposting. This is from last year. If your not on here. Sign up. I am going to fill out a roost app soon. Want to make sure we get folks on here.

@JoshBWNY I am in Duck Club (Canada). Would love to discuss a joint Niagara event in 2023. Would do my best to attend one of your events this summer too!


Just got my tickets for Thursday of the PGA at Oak Hill. Anyone else planning on trying to check it out?

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My wife and I are signed up to volunteer and marshall on hole 16, and as much as I like to laugh about the “pay money to work” concept, for only 4 shifts of 4 hours we get admission every day and free parking, plus food vouchers, 2 shirts, a jacket and a hat (and $250 less to carry around)


When I was looking through the ticket options I was surprised that they’re doing all inclusive food and beverage for all tickets and very little in the way of hospitality. Probably trying to avoid some of the bad PR they got with the $8 water bottles last year.

I was going to volunteer (as a PGA member), but it’s right during nationals for my daughter, her possibly starting her internship, etc.