Roll Call: Western New York, 2025 Roost sign up

Oh, I totally get the border issue. I just got a COVID test on Monday since my GF and I decided to drive to Michigan through Canada for X-Mas. The NYC Metro group will probably be the go-to in 2022, as you say, to avoid the border issues and I have friends in NYC that I can crash with. Happy to drive down to OH to play events there as well, but might “register” with the NYC Roost for 2022.

@JoshBWNY Im all in with the hopeful roost expansion of 2023 to get one closer to this region.


So I’m still lost in the roost situation but I assume we get lumped in somewhere else regionally?

Edit NM I see the roosts were announced the other day.

so we all hitting up @jgolf1 for admittance to the Ohio roost?

We welcome all comers! Seriously, you’re more than welcome. Bills fans are kindred spirits to Ohio and our sports teams.

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Hoping to get in on some of the eastern Ohio events. How do we sign up is there a google sheet or something along those lines?

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Start here and work your way down. Somewhere we have a WhatsApp thread. Roll Call: Ohio - #4447 by jgolf1

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added to the google sheet and looking for the WhatsApp link now

Appreciate it

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Here’s the what’s app thing


Hey all. Even though we didn’t get a roost. Having the sign up helps be able to connect with each other. And I still want to do a meet up early this year. Beginning of June. Also maybe later this month at Wherle golf dome.


I’m in the Ohio roost for the time being and jumped on their WhatsApp to drag the Browns yesterday

I’d be down for a dome Buffalo golf and social meetup later in the month

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I bought a value card, been trying to go there at least once a week. Was there yesterday during the Bills game, hoping it wasn’t super full… it still was pretty full but still got a lower tier lane

I haven’t officially joined a roost but the RADGC NYC will probably get my affiliation

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Damn I was there with my daughter around 130 and was shocked it was packed but I think they had a year end party or something

I was there 2 weeks ago during the game and was dead

Grabbed a value card too so should be good for a few months


Have had shit luck just popping in there so far this year, 0/3. Saturday was maybe the busiest. Went before a movie at Regal Transit and there were probably 3 open bays between the two levels. But the couple times I’ve called ahead there’s always been at least a bay available

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Damn man, it’s January 3rd… have you tried going every day this year? Lol (lame new year joke post)


i have had luck on (most) Sunday afternoons and weekday nights

Gave me a sensible chuckle

Might have to do a weekday night then. Paddock dome is closer to me but you have to call for a bay there by 3pm at the latest or it’s not happening. Sadly Sundays are out until the Bills lose

I’ll probably be there on Sunday again, since I’m not a Bills fan and my Cowboys play on Saturday.

I played Saturday at Cragie Brae. They had carts out. If I play in a roost it will now then likely be Ohio.

If we all want to stay together as a group, I’d be happy to do Ohio roost… are we all planning on signing up for the Tussle at Tarandowah?