Roll Call: Sacramento, CA tour sauce junkies....where you at?

Won’t be able to make it to Darkhorse on Friday @jsg_nado. Enjoy!

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Just a heads up @jsg_nado, it’s mega rainy up here so my guess is Darkhorse will be cart path only. It’s a super tough walk but I’ve done it once and didn’t die.

So if you’d rather not subject yourself to pain, Haggin Oaks is as flat as it gets and doesn’t get as swampy

But either way I’m in I just wanted to give you the info

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I brought a light carry bag so I could walk to stay warm, wasn’t planning to ride.

Will defer to your experience - if you think it’s gonna be wet/muddy enough we’re gonna have a bad time lmk and I’ll switch it! I like Haggin oaks too

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I think considering all the factors Haggin is probably the move. Very high probability of very sloppy conditions and having a flat walk will keep our spirits high where I could see Darkhorse bein a slog. That combined with saving you 90 minutes of driving makes me say Haggin is the move.

I just grabbed a 4some at 8:48 Friday so if you agree with my take you can cancel Darkhorse

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Haggin just opened their new shoe store in their Super Shop :eyes:

Let’s do that. See you then!