Lol no just outside of GI
Hey guys. Near Tiburon in Omaha here. Itching for this snow to melt, temp to go up and hopefully get out in March. That’s my wish anyway…
Welcome! I used to spent lots of time at Tiburon with a guy who was a teaching pro there. You play most of your rounds there or do you get around?
Tiburon a fun place, play at least a few rounds a year there. However, it was frowned upon when I asked if I could take my Bloody Mary in and catch a bit of the church service before my tee time…
I play a fair number there but love to use the Omaha golf card to play a variety. Really disappointed the took Platteview off of it this year.
Also play Iron Horse, Quarry and Indian a fair amount.
I’m at Indian every day when there isn’t snow, not far from there at all. Always looking to play!
Not sure what I think of the price yet, but looks like this offer gives access to certain private courses throughout the year and other private courses on Member Play Days. Can bring your own group rather than getting paired up with other pass holders.
No OCC??? I’m out
Just started listening to NLU in the last few weeks, and it’s good to see some fellow natives of the land of flat water on here.
Ben in Omaha
Hey…got a question for any Nest members.
I’m new to this community/podcast. I listened to the Nest podcast where the guys explain the decision to put discussion boards behind the paywall, and I totally get the rationale. I participate on a few other websites that are open to the public and well moderated, but still get some sh*tposting here and there.
My question is for anyone who is a paid Nest member…do you find the community aspect of the Nest worth $90 a year? I know there’s a gift every January that probably helps build value, but aside from the gift…do you think it’s worthwhile? Why? Why not?
I’m leaning heavily toward joining…someone push me off the fence.
I guess I would say how I view it, is you get out what you put in.
I haven’t gone to any events or anything like that, but I’ve met quite a few other refugees and have very much found the $90 value already because of meeting others. Its great getting to meet others who you share a lot of interests with, even a majority of the people I played golf with in college aren’t as deep into the whole thing as I am so I don’t always talk to them about this stuff.
Whenever this damn snow stops, I would love to get out and play a round with ya! Where do you tee it up mainly?
Great answer and good stuff to think about. I guess if I could ask one more question…does the other side of the paywall feel like an extension of the conversation on the podcasts? That’s really what I’m after and willing to pay for.
I play wherever in Omaha. I tried a membership at Ashland a few years ago and liked it but hated driving out there. Lots of Shoreline and Benson, too. I’ll play anywhere, though.
I think I might actually already know you…did you play HS golf at Burke? I coached at Central until spring 2015. I also think you shop at the store where I work summers/weekends.
That’s an interesting question, and I’m not sure I have the answer to that. It’s really just a big mix of a ton of random topics, everything from a thread talking about watching movies together, cooking, to actual golf. That’s what I enjoy about it is that there are so many different avenues you can go down to connect and talk with people about.
Haha really? That’s crazy! Yeah I played there 2012-2015, was 2nd fiddle my whole career.
What store would that be?
It’s a good answer to a tough question. I’m pretty sure I’m sold on it!
Austad’s on 120th and Center. Maybe you shop there, maybe a family member. I just know that name pops up in there now and then.
Yes…when this snow is gone, let’s peg it.
New to the nest but a Lincoln guy here. Play most of my rounds at Crooked Creek. Would love to get together every once in awhile with some fellow lovers of the game, play a lot by myself (normally play weird times) but always looking for playing partners!
Mid 50’s next week. What’s the first course or courses that will open do you think?
Welcome! I know there are a few guys here in the Lincoln area, next time I’m in lincoln I’ll have to hit you up to play. Real question is do you like Nebraska Basketball or are you a jaysker?
If it stays like this, maybe the weekend of the 12/13th? There’s still a ton of snow, and for it all to melt and then drain so it isn’t a swamp out there will sadly take time
Pretty sure Tiburon will almost always let you out.