Hello! I know there was some interest in here in doing a matchplay qualifying series for the Midwest "Ope"in NLU event that is happening in Augusta at Lawsonia Golf Links in Wisconsin! Thank you to @anon24718094 and @Mwilhelm10 for helping getting things going. They gave me permission to make a spreadsheet to gather names and interest for those who would want to rep the Good Life in that awful badger state.
Over here on our right here is the link for the signup sheet I made to put your interest and availability to do some matches.
Here is the link for the Midwest "Ope"in in case you aren’t familiar with what I’m talking about.
Thanks all! Hope to see everyone out on the course soon as we’re through 2nd winter!
Edit: I am an idiot (@jefranks30) and just unlocked the sheet