Roll Call: Oklahoma "The Supercell" - The Roost's Greatest Logo™

Price on the couch dropped to $1,500 - motivated to sell so make an offer!

Also, got scheduled for the PGA. Scanning tickets early morning Mon, wed, thurs. Looking forward to seeing folks!


I’m a Laser Operator Thursday morning on number 9 if anyone is interested in what yardage guys have in

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Got my schedule! 10th hole. Afternoon Weds, then mornings Fri-Sat-Sun. Leaves me with Tuesday and Thursday wide open, plus Weds AM for a few rounds elsewhere if anyone wants to get together


Keep Wednesday evening of PGA week open folks. Night golf at LaFortune is booked. Details forthcoming


Love this

/checks schedule
/works that evening

…tees will be refreshed at rapid pace Wednesday evening…

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“Volunteer” schedule released. Only working Sunday morning. That, is it.
Who’s ready to party?


Imperial Hat Order form for the Supercell

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I’ve got the Tulsa Golf Association tournament this weekend at South Lakes and I am going to try and get out there tomorrow afternoon if anyone in Tulsa wants to join.

I have a 1:10 with one spot open.

Where at?

South Lakes

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Put me down as a tentative yes and I will confirm in the morning. Just need to clear one thing at work

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Thanks for setting this up Hoz!

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Shoutout to @Smith16 @Mish and @ScottyG for hosting me out at Jimmie Austin yesterday! I seriously can’t say enough good things about the course and can’t even imagine what it will look like in the coming weeks. It probably didn’t hurt that Norman had the best weather day since last fall. Looking forward to crossing the Red River again later this year for the R4.


Happy Masters Week everyone! There are a few spots left for the Masters Sunday watch party we are doing at Chalk. No cost to attend and in fact we’ll have some free apps, maybe a round of drinks. Only thing required is an RSVP.


Hey, y’all, I am going to be in Denton, TX from April 16-22. I have Monday (18th) off and am looking to play golf in Oklahoma (trying to play golf in as many states as possible). I am hoping some of y’all have some recommendations for southern Oklahoma. It’s about a 2.5 hour drive to OKC, but I’ve definitely driven longer for worse things than a round of golf. So, if there are any recs between Oklahoma City and the OK/TX state line vicinity I’d love to hear them. If any of you are looking to play on the Monday after Easter in that area let me know, I’d love to meet up.

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Dornick Hills would be the obvious answer. Don’t want to speak for them, but are a few folks here that might be able to assist with that. The courses at Winstar* are fun, but not necessarily truly special, if you’re wanting to do the least to check OK off (they’re a few feet, almost literally, across the OK/TX border). If you’re willing to come to OKC I’m sure there are a bunch of us that would be happy to host and/or play!


Yeah, Dornick Hills would be the Hail Mary but I figured not possible. But I would be down to make the drive up to OKC too. I want to play in Oklahoma, and certainly would count a golf course just across the line, but I don’t want to play a course just across the line the say I did when there might be a better course further up the road. Definitely interested in the OKC golf scene. Definitely love a good muni, if that’s an option.

If Dornick won’t let you on, Lakewood in Ada welcomes everyone - shirts optional!

(in all seriousness, if you can’t get on at Dornick, just hop up to Norman and play Jimmy Austin)