Roll Call: Ohio (OATW adjacent) and localized ice cream debates (Part 1)

Lakewood CC is very much west side - grammar fail

also one of the best grass ranges available to the public, actual turf grass and not just some random lawn

Welcome guys @flanwilder and @quicktempo; I’m in Rocky River, splitting the difference between you two.

Good to hear positive things out of Forest Hills. Haven’t been out there in 5 plus years, but sounds like the conditions have improved. Definitely could use another course to put in the rotation, especially one that doesn’t require traveling to the other side of town.

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As a fellow mid-30s Clevelander #girldad who took up golf in his mid 20s, welcome!


I was doing Ohio City to Painesville every day for awhile, but finally bit the bullet and moved out to Lake County. Welcome Alex!

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Also, welcome new guis! Parma Heights here.

Totally sucks. Although it sounds like they were going to get out at 100 years, which was coming soon. Fingers crossed they find a buyer that will keep it as a restaurant. But with that view, condos feel more likely :frowning:

How many of my fellow Ohioans continue to try and play throughout the deep fall and winter?

As long as it isn’t under 40ish and precipitating golf is always an option for myself. Finding somewhere to go that doesn’t completely shut down and still has pins is always a battle though.


I don’t mind colder month golf, you can play quick rounds on saturdays!. What are some courses you have luck finding open all year? Sometimes you can have more luck at the goat tracks

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I’ll play as long as the weather and college football cooperates. My golfing group though shuts it down relatively early though so I usually follow suite. Not trying to play by myself in freezing weather. maybe some southwest refuge bois will be down to play this fall/winter.


This is my stance as well. Under 40 typically doesn’t work for anyone. But if it is sunny and 45, usually ends up being a nice walk.

National Links outside of Springfield is always open. Windy Knoll in Springfield is usually open as well. Those are the two spots my dad and his buddies play during the deep fall and winter. I know I have played Community Golf Course in Dayton in the deep fall/winter as well.


I’ll play in just about anything. My work/travel schedule usually means that I am out of town for the best golfing weather. Thus, if I want to play, I just have to wear it at times with non optimal conditions


I’ll play in damn near anything. I’ll play in the 30’s so long as the sun is out.


i’m shutting it down for about a month here to recover my wrist a bit, but after that I’m in as long as a course allows me to play! Turkeyfoot in Akron tends to drain really well and is a solid winter option. I also am open to hitting indoor simulators with some refugees provided they are open with COVID.


Same here. Once it gets down to the 30’s, it’s totally playable if the wind and sun are on your side.

Whenever the weather breaks after a period of nastiness, I’ve found Pine Hill in Carroll OH is a great place to hit up. It drains extremely well and that place always tries to open when possible. It’s a bit of a drive from Westerville, but it’s worth it…especially when the rate is ~ $20.

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Winter golf gloves and long johns are the keys to winter golf


hands are the weak point for sure. gotta keep them puppies warm some how.

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Hey sickos…

I’m in the awkward NW corner of the state. Live an hour from Indiana and an hour from Michigan. Work in Toledo. Looking to meet some new folks outside of the muni I belong to.



Got some troopers in here when it gets cold. I can remember going up to shamrock when I was growing up and playing in cold ass temps with my dad and his buddies. That stinging sensation after mis hitting a blade iron with balatas would stay with you for a minute or 2.

I can’t do it anymore unfortunately. My back just doesn’t cooperate when it gets below 40.

We call it Pine Hill Resort and Spa! Love that as a wet weather option. Let me know if you need a fourth. I am 20 minutes from there!

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