Roll Call: Indiana - - Roost Major Signup Feb 1st

Indiana Folks,

Anyone free this Saturday and Sunday? We have a battle up in Grand Rapids between the West Coast Flock and 2CGC, and need a sub for a late injury drop out. If interested, I’m sure the group collectively can figure out a housing/bedding situation. Playing the Mines and Pilgrim’s Run Sat, and Diamond Springs Sunday.


I’m new to the message board.

Does the Indiana group have a name? Any gear yet? I’m kind of into this stuff…

We don’t have our own Roost yet unfortunately. The majority of the folks in central Indiana are part of the Ohio Against the World Roost. Myself and @BDeck25 are with The High Cotton Club out of Nashville and I think there is at least a member or two (shoutout @serwin) in Northern Indiana that are part of the Second City Roost out of Chicago. BDeck is trying to get a group together to start an Indiana Roost next year, just gotta see how much interest there is and see how NLU reshuffles everything.

Hi All,

Checking in from Morgan County, right between Bloomington & Indy. Long time lurker, first-time contributer. Would be happy to meet up for a round sometime. Thanks to my very patient and understanding wife, I can usually play anywhere with enough notice. I can generally bring a friend if we need to round out a foursome.

About me:
Almost 40
Girl dad (x2)
Boilermaker in Hoosier Country
Used to golf a lot, all but stopped playing for a while, trying to get good again

Hope you’re all doing well. Look forward to hanging out around here more often.



First and foremost, too many Davids from Purdue. @dwilks you guis must battle, for there can only be one.*

Secondly, welcome! Do you play blades and if not, when can you go bui some and join us in the movement? What’s your stance on LIV and more importantly, what type of pizza is your favorite?

Golf related, we are going speed dating style: Describe your typical game. What’s been your best round ever (not necessarily lowest but the best you’ve played)? Best course in Indiana.

That’s all I got for now. As you might have read, we don’t have a roost currently because @OTPLefty is too damn lazy to do anything. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

*Not an IU person, just here to get a duel going

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Hey, welcome aboard! I’m down in Evansville if you ever want to meet in the middle at Country Oaks or something for a round, fee free to reach out!

Oh boy Boiler Up! I’m up in the Fort Wayne area right now but my boy @papateeps and I can meet up in the middle and get a duel going. More so just to hang out and meet more people in IN! Good to have you around

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Welcome in, man! I’m in Indianapolis smack in the middle of everyone. So would love to get a round in sometime.

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Anyone else playing in the IGA Mid Am in a few weeks?

Well, it was sounding good until the Boilermaker part…

Seriously, though, and this is for everyone, I’m going to be playing The Hawthorns on Monday 8/1. Shooting for 2 pm, as I have to come in to finish up inventory in the morning.

We have to walk, but I can pull Sun Mountain push carts out of the barn for anyone who wants one.

There’s a chance someone me and @SvenPaterson know but haven’t looked at the field.

Would bet Wyatt is playing

Hey everyone! Southern Indiana here. Wanting to make an effort to get more involved on the refuge and Indiana golf.

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Welcome! If you’re around Evansville, I would be down to get out and play!

Anybody in in the southwestern part play on Friday mornings? I’m in southeastern IL would definitely play in Evansville and maybe beyond.

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I play every other Friday morning (when I’m off work). I would be down to get together and play!

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Let me know when you’re open as I can make almost any Friday work especially once school gets started back up.

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Sort of last minute but is available and interested in a Bad Cards FORE Good Golfers Outing this coming Monday at The Hawthorns in Fishers?

The club I work at is hosting and they still have spots to fill- our Salesperson is offering a pretty good discount if I can bring a team.

Will be visiting family in Lafayette 24-30 Aug. Anyone have spots they need filled?

Spent two days at Birck Boilermaker and a day at Warren Notre Dame and can’t wait to go back. Three phenomenal golf courses.