Roll Call: Indiana - - Roost Major Signup Feb 1st

Grew up in Indiana and still visit often but haven’t seen too much chatter from my hometown…Where ya’ll at??

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North side Indy here

:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: Favorite course around the central IN area is Trophy Club


Born and raised in Indy area. Moved to Bay Area CA, got bit by golf bug and have recently moved to Indianapolis. Grew up here my whole life and have no idea where to play… @ajmor passed Trophy Club driving back and forth from home to Purdue during college and never thought to play there.

Super interested to explore the golf landscape of the area, when the snow melts…

North side of Indy as well

Grew up in Bloomington before moving to Chicago and now Florida, but played plenty of golf in the Hoosier state. Around Indianapolis you gotta try The Fort and Brickyard, both Dye designs and a ton of fun (especially the Brickyard). Purgatory is also fun, but the definition of an era where everyone thought hard = good. Fox Prairie in Noblesville is a “hidden gem” of mine. Not the greatest course you’ll ever play, but for about $30 max its a great value.

Outside of that, go play both courses at Purdue (Kampen is awesome and I’ve heard the new course may even be better) and the Ross course at French Lick (one of the funnest courses I’ve ever played). I’ve heard Prairie View and Rock Hollow are awesome but never got a chance to go there. If they ever start putting money back into Heartland Crossing (Nick Price design, I believe), head there. Place has fallen on hard times recently. And Otter Creek of course. Make a day of it and go play all 27.


Second BTownBorn’s thoughts. Brickyard is such an awesome track. The Fort’s rough can be a bit ridiculous sometimes - to the point that it’s not fun paying the price you’re going to just to lose a few balls in tall rough.

Another fun one to drive up to on a nice weekend day is Bear Slide GC in Cicero, IN.
Other solid ones closer to Indy are Plum Creek and Prarieview.

Thanks for the tips guys. I may have embellished a bit, I played alot of hit and giggle around Purdue’s old Ackerman course in college and I’m pretty excited to get back to play there now that its been redone. The week of graduation I treated myself to the student discount at Kampen and got my ass kicked. Played The Fort with pops for father’s day one year but that’s one hell of a course to loop when he only gets out two or three times a year.

I think Brickyard and Purgatory are both on my list at least once. Plum Creek is down the street from my parents house, so that may be a decent mainstay for the fee.

Thanks for the tips fellas! See you out there.

(Northwest Indy Resident) Prairie View is another good track that’s a good tee shot away from Plum Creek. If you’re looking to head down south, give Otter Creek a try in Columbus.

Indy Resident Here.

Agree with all the comments above - Indy has some great tracks

If any of you are ever near Clayton, Indiana, hit up Deer Creek Golf Club. My buddy Derek is the head pro there.

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I’m headed up to Noblesville in a couple of weeks for the Dead and Co show we are planning on playing the day of the show or the next morning…Any recommendations in that area? I saw Purgatory but know nothing much about it…thanks

Purgatory is definitely worth it. It’s the closest thing to ‘Scottish golf’ without being in Scotland. It has very little trees and rolling hills with knee high fescue. They have about 7 different tee boxes, so you can play it anywhere from 5000ish yards up to like 7400 yards

I have a client in Indy that highly recommended it. He also mentioned The Fort and Speedway ( I assume he means Brickyard Crossing)

Fox Prairie is one of my home courses. 27 holes, all holes are fun and different. Good track.

Purgatory-awesome links style course, when the wind blows, which is always, it can be brutal. Would go there if you are in the area.

Others I would look into are Prairie View, Bearslide, Trophy Club, Players Club, Brickyard Crossing. Lots of good tracks

Purdue grad, and can attest that the Kampen course is worthwhile. I’ve heard good things about the renovated Ackerman course, but haven’t been up there to play it yet. I haven’t played either since I was a student in the mid 2000’s.

Having said all that, living down the road from Sawgrass now, Kampen is #3 on my list of Dye courses I’ve played :stuck_out_tongue:

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Seems like all Indy folks are on the same page. Still getting around the area. Prairie view was a BEAR, but I played it in 95 degree weather. Wasn’t pleasurable.

Recently played swan lake resort up in Plymouth. If you get cut a good deal the stay and play package is pretty sick. Went up for the weekend (Friday night through Sunday) and played 45 holes on Friday for $400. Course was nice and the people were all great. Cool place for a boys trip if you aren’t trying to break bank.

Does anyone have any connections at Sycamore Hills Golf Club in Fort Wayne? Would love to give that Jack Nicklaus design a go and it’s private.

Hey Everyone. I’ve seen some posts around the refuge about “lone wolves” looking for good groups of people that “get it” i.e. golf nerds that Brooks Cupcake likes to hate on.

I guess the idea is that you just put yourself out here and ask if anyone wants to play. While I do enjoy playing by myself and I get quite a bit out of the exercise, the idea of playing with people that want to compete and are all like minded seems pretty awesome.

So, if there are some people out there in the Indy area that are looking for something similar let me know. If not, I’ll take my ball and go home.

Just stumbled upon this conversation, I’m from north central Indiana (Kokomo), but I have spent my last two summers doing internships around Indy. Two summers ago it was The Legends Golf Club in franklin, a course well worth your buck and a good time, and last summer at Broadmoor CC. BCC is a donald ross gem with some beautiful greens. Rock Hollow is so much fun and always in incredible shape, purgatory was a treat form the tips, and if any of us can meet up and play some golf around the north side of indy during the summer i am game.