Congrats on being admitted to the Golf Illuminati.
I wish we all got them. I need more of that drama around here
2CGC it has come to my attention that the great plaines roost is trying to take over our land and is planning an event in East Iowa
@rjsau98 mobilize the troops
(tbh I have no idea where tf the quad cities are)
It’s where I live, young man
That’s what I was hoping for!
Truly have no clue how I ended up on this council, but based on the emails it doesn’t feel very prestigious.
Come for the cheap, above average golf.
Stay for the Whitey’s Ice Cream
Whoa, whoa my man, this is more of a handshake situation. Reaching out for some good old-fashioned sand green golf.
Yeah we all just want to get along on May 17 and May 18 in Eastern Iowa and have a good time.
How do you not know where pro golf’s 5th Major is located?
Had more Whitey’s smores sundaes than I should’ve in my life.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is still the goat.
Graham Central Station with Banana Flavoring is quickly ascending the list as well.
This slaps. Good thing I moved away when I did. Would be so much fatter if I could still eat whiteys
It’s the brown sugar base they use that sets it apart
That and and the ratio is so much better than anybody else’s
Do they still have or do you remember turtle tracks?
My dad use to deliver ice cream to grocery stores so he’d snag some of the dry mix that was added to the ice cream. That shit was dangerous.
Not that I can remember. I’ll keep an eye out. I know they just brought back Red Velvet Cake and I might get some of that this week.
It was moose tracks but caramel.
Fuck me up with this. Can we lobby somebody around here to make it for us?