Roll Call “Chicago” (Part 1)

Side note, this visor is sick, any chance it’s coming back in stock? In the process of wokifying the girlfriend.


Ah I wish! Tour visors from us will always be a limited run to keep 'em special. We’re working on some new patterns for the fall though (our in house graphic artiste, Haley, knows how to make patterns).

If she likes hot dogs, we’ve got 6 left that still need a head to call home!

First time post! Anybody have any luck with courses opening this weekend? I’ve called around about 5-10 places and it seems earliest opens will be Monday.


Honestly, hadn’t occurred to me to even ask. In my area there is still a good 6-7 inches of packed snow on the ground, more in shady areas. Are there going to be playable (I have a very very broad definition) courses with the melt over the next week?


Passed this on to a couple people, thanks for the heads up.

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From calling around, ambitious courses seem to be trying to open mid-week next week. There are some courses who are mentioning to call back tomorrow (Indiana and more SW Chicago courses) saying that they might be open. And of course, I got the one course saying that they are 90% covered in snow, but to come out if we really want to play in that much snow


Keep us posted on what you hear. I’m exceptionally optimistic about next weekend.



St. Andrew’s in West Chicago (Cog Hill adjacent) is open year round. I’ve heard of people playing even with snow on the ground. I’d give them a call

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I am strongly debating the hour drive to play here tomorrow.

As soon as i posted that I checked their online booking and might try to sneak a quick 9 in a few days this week. Damn… it’s golf season boys!

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We need to get the match play tourney back rolling as well! Can we bump the current bracket?


I’m going to be at Des Plaines range tomorrow night at 8 if anyone wants to witness some legendary hostel rockets.
Edit: I’ll be in one of the lefty hitting bays on the first floor

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When do we need to wrap this up @JBors?



I’ll come up with a tentative schedule of when each round needs to be completed

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I’m awaiting the victor of @CMal snd @pfeil41

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Or we could just give @PinkPantser the trophy now?

If that part of the bracket gets to @TCRBrad v @PinkPantser I’m calling dibs now on a spectator spot.


Second dibs. We have our 4some.


Was anyone able to get out today?? I have Thursday locked and loaded on my calendar.