To be fair, I was a Liquid IV beerthlete.
I believe @Nickygifts has already made a ruling. Who needs a thirst quencher when you can have a BODY QUENCHER?
I need a cooler full of these at the Ope!
I’m sorry, but as the elder statesman of the HDH, Nicky is overruled.
We have standards, can’t be seen with Dollar General Imposter Gatorade.
Please delete.
Fantastic reference, friend.
Fuck you!
Pre edit made me LOL
Dollar Store?
Sir, may I remind you All-Sport was a product of the fine people at Coca-Cola?
@DombrowBryan I did not know you were a Gatorade guy. My cousin worked Quaker/Gatorade/Pepsi for like 30 years.
As a person who has suffered from heat stroke on the golf course, I just hope everybody stays hydrated. Don’t care what brand you use to do it.
Except Powerade, that shit is a crime against beverages.
Well, that’s an argument for another time/thread.
Only real job I’ve ever had is with Pepsi. 10 years at Trop, then the last 4 1/2 on Pepsi side
Don’t delete Refuge posts Joe, own your Ls and attempt to talk your way out of them like the rest of us idiots adults
I’m a third generation Dr Pepper/7up (former) employee. This erasure will not go unnoticed
I did a stint in sales/merchandising with Pepsi back in like 07. Wasn’t a terrible place to work, but the delivery truck drivers were making the real money! Probably should’ve stuck a little longer tbh.
If it’s not the 420 burner my disappointment will be immense.
People that are smarter than me,
Is there a way to track how many likes I’ve given lately? Cause I feel like I’ve given out a ton of likes in the last 24 hours, just waiting to hit the wall.
Kidding of course. We are partners after all
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